Relaxed Vibe

The boundary had sprung in Texas, simply the summertime is already here now! And nosotros are nonetheless is April. *sigh* If you lot wishing to become out of the house, you lot tin produce in addition to so either earlier 11am or afterwards 7pm. It industrial plant for us equally nosotros are early-to-bed-and-early-to-rise-kinda-couple. 

We are spending this weekend catching upward on the concluding flavor of Spartacus, leaving abode exclusively for workout in addition to H2O ice cream ;). Suddenly life has taken over my much-cherished-laziness in addition to I cannot look to brand fourth dimension to sentinel weekly television. Hence, medico Fab in addition to I conduct keep constitute a solution - Have weekend marathons of i sitcoms at a time. It is kinda-like watching a longggg movie, which I much prefer, rather than spending the whole calendar week inwards anxiety of non knowing, "What happens to Crixus' next!?!?" [My favorite character, played past times Manu Bennet, inwards Spartacus!] ... So that's what I am upward to, hence the relaxed outfit below. What are you lot doing this weekend? 

Heels - Gucci [05']
Tee - Macy's [11'] Similar
Shades - D&G [11'] Similar
Shorts - Rachel Roy [11'] Similar
Necklace - Streets of Mumbai [11'] Similar

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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