Reader's Spotlight (X) - Debanjana

Hi Tanvi

I honey your weblog as well as detect your fashion feel amazing. In fact I detect your weblog best amidst all Indian fashion bloggers. I convey enclosed my film inwards traditional getup every bit it seems to check the mood of your recent posts. Please create laissez passer on your suggestions on my outfit as well as what create y'all intend overall of them. The pic where I'm wearing the anarkali accommodate during schoolhouse program.

That is thence variety of you. I am glad y'all similar my weblog as well as Thank y'all for sending inwards your picture. I actually similar the color of your outfit. It is soft as well as pleasing. However, I can't come across the 'anarkali-effect' inwards this post but the floral impress is thence on tendency inwards spite of existence an Indian outfit. I am certain y'all looked dandy at your schoolhouse event. 

Thank y'all everyone who has sent their pictures for the Reader's Spotlight. I volition proceed to post them on Friday in the social club that I convey received the email. If y'all are novel here: this is a segment where my readers cash inwards one's chips to part their agency or enquire of suggestions (if they need any!) from all my readers. So if y'all convey been inspired yesteryear my weblog then Email me your outfit pictures for this feature. If anyone wishes to stay Anonymous just country the word!

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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