Hard On Myself!

One advice I have over too over i time to a greater extent than (for the longest fourth dimension that I tin dismiss remember) is - "Don't hold upward too then difficult on yourself!I justice I should hold upward happy that everyone around me thinks I am difficult on myself, but I practice non part that opinion. I facial expression the best from myself. My goals, aims, aspirations ... they convey e'er been 'to hold upward the best version of myself'. Whether it was inwards academics or professionally, equally a dwelling solid maker or a blogger, equally a friend or a immature adult woman ... I convey a certainly expectation from myself too when I practice non run across them, I am the showtime i to indicate it out. 

I think to a greater extent than oft than not, I practice a 'fair' assessment of myself. When I tell I am non inwards my best shape, I hateful I convey been inwards a meliorate shape, if I tell I am non beingness productive enough, it alone agency I convey achieved to a greater extent than inwards the past, etc. etc. ... too to facial expression anything less would hateful a compromise or admittance of beingness mediocre. And God knows, I tin dismiss hold upward anything but mediocre. I'd rather non practice it at all, than to hold upward 'just-about-okay' at anything! 

Top - Banana Republic [11']
Jeans - Urban Outfitters [11']
Shoes - Ted Baker [09']
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