Photographer Appreciation Week: Piece Of Employment 2

... And I operate on to present off my fabulous photographers who direct maintain made my spider web log await all pretty too colorful inwards the yesteryear 2 years. (Its similar a gibe made inwards heaven). Get ready for the Part 2 ...

Photographer Appreciation Week: Part 2

PhotographerAnita (Myraa)
QualitiesGenerous, Loving, too Helpful

Ladies & Gentleman, I introduce to y'all Anita Dhanwani - Myraa Ahuja [best matter that happened to me later chocolate! ;)]. She is my dearest friend who also happens to live on a professional person lensman amongst her ain studio inwards Dubai [Imprint Design] too everything. Imagine having a friend who never gets tired of clicking, too if y'all know me, I never operate tired of getting clicked [Like I had said, gibe made inwards heaven!]. She is ane those people, who right away pose y'all at ease too enamor y'all amongst their warmth too humor. She has taken simply about of my favorite shots amongst my husband. I don't know how she does it, but she manages to capture the correct moment. ALWAYS! I want nosotros lived closed yesteryear 'coz too therefore I would direct maintain the luxury of getting glamour shots everyday [I kid!] ... But really, if y'all alive inwards middle-east (or asia) too y'all direct maintain non shot amongst her yet, too therefore y'all are a fool! This is non a biased thought at all. I direct maintain proofs. M.A.N.Y.  

Original Post - Here
Original Post - Here
Original Post - Here
All the skillful shots inwards this slide present are taken yesteryear Anita!

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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