Inspiration - Miranda Kerr

This weekend nosotros watched 2 random suspense thrillers (Hindi Movies) ... [Kanoon (1960) & Uljhan (1975)] ... which has confirmed my belief that our quondam movies (up until belatedly 90's) are responsible for portraying Indian women equally submissive together with docile. While I am quite certain the truth was quite dissimilar from this representation. For instance: 

They fainted on the location at fifty-fifty a slight indication of stress or a disturbing news. Are y'all kidding me? I create non know whatsoever adult woman who is that fragile together with weak hearted. If zilch else, they are the ones who hand pull to everyone around, unless they had a severe deficiency of Iron! 

They are shown painfully shy together with bashful, fifty-fifty to their ain husband. Errmmm ... painting this -> Husband has returned from a long twenty-four hours of move together with wishes to indulge inward approximately romantic cuddle-snuggle-nuzzle together with instead of indulging inward the same, their reaction is "Hatto na!" [Translation: Let go!] ... Really? WHY??!

Tears are their answer to all the problems together with challenges. Illness, Death, Crime, Lost love, hunger, famine, Infidelity, Miscarriage, Betrayal, no affair what grapheme they were playing - Woman inward these movies cried their pump out alongside equal valor. *major.eye.roll* 

Phone 'ringing' is to a greater extent than of import than beingness cozy alongside their lover/husband. This is the minute nearly mutual scene -> The duo is having a cute romantic fourth dimension together with thats when the telephone rings. The woman someone is the 1 to pause away together with say, "Arre telephone toh uthoa na" ...[Translation: First option upwards the phone!] My reaction would in all probability live on the exact opposite. "Leave the damn phone", afterward all who is to a greater extent than important?   

They are a painting of sacrifice together with ever succumbing to society's pull per unit of measurement area for the sake of their family. Whether is the affair of brother's education, friend's chastity, husband's honor, or ailing father's wellness - the adult woman inward these movies is practically dying to live on a martyr together with giving upwards their dearest together with happiness. Like whatever! Might too bury them live on upon birth. Such a misfortunate rendition to a woman's resilience together with strength!

Thankfully, our recent movies accept long departed from this misfortunate portrayal.      

...and together with thence had my today's outfit - Departing from my forte (bright colors & prints) 
This weekend nosotros watched 2 random suspense thrillers  Inspiration - Miranda Kerr
Tank - American Apparel [11']
Skirt - Calvin Klein [10']
Shoes - Me Too via TJ Maxx [09']
Necklace - c/o clyde's rebirth [11'] 
Clutch - Karla's for Coach [10']

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