Motivational Tip No.5 Past Times The Drama Queen

Motivational Tip No. 1
Draw motivation from things y'all see "Everyday"
Only thus y'all volition survive able to remain motivated "Everyday"

Motivational Tip No. 2
Think of fitness every bit an investment for a amend tomorrow. 
No i would desire to alive on medicines!

Motivational Tip No. 3
You are the entirely i who tin sack alter your body! 
So larn to differentiate between a 'real' reason as well as an excuse.

Motivational Tip No. 4 - 
Hard-work gives 100% results (in wellness as well as fitness)

And that was the final tip posted on Feb twelfth 2009. I cannot recollect why I never continued alongside this series. Although nosotros did come upwardly up with The List of 35 reasons why I (should) workout. After all these years, fifty-fifty today it is a acquire by to exit of bed as well as cause got that determination to acquire to the gym (or yoga, or a class). Lately, I cause got been chanting Obama's slogan, fifty-fifty if that is 4 years later, "Yes! I can." I try rattling difficult every twenty-four hours to non plow it into, "Yes! I will." Its but a affair of those final five seconds when y'all create upwardly one's hear whether y'all volition alter into your workout gear or cash inwards one's chips along to survive a lump of lard as well as remain inwards bed. While I purpose all the to a higher house tips to force me out of bed it takes that extra nudge of motivation to create it nowadays. When nada else works, I but say myself, "You are Tanvi! You HAVE to create this. If y'all won't thus who else volition for you?" I know it is i of those weird-self-talking-speeches but it works. Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I am giving myself reasons why I can. And that's how I cause got been motivating myself for past times ii months. You all must cause got figured past times directly that this postal service is to a greater extent than for myself than anyone. 

Motivation Tip No. five - 
Never, never, never, never laissez passer on up. - Winston Churchill

That's Me <- Not giving up

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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