How To Annoy, The Annoying People?

Dress - Tailor Made from Bharat [11'] Similar
Necklace & Earrings - c/o INPINK [12']
Bracelets - Here & There [09'/10'/11'/12']
Shoes - Dolce Vita [10'] Similar
Sunglasses - Tom Ford [08'] Similar
Belt - Gift [07'] Similar

Lately people convey been getting on my nerves left, correct in addition to center. Some intentionally (evil spirits) in addition to to a greater extent than or less unintentionally (poor souls). For past times v years I convey been leading a some-what isolated life in addition to thus non much affected past times who-says-and-does what! However, things are changing. Social interaction is increasing. People are 'again' getting on my nerves. But I am dealing alongside such society-rodents alongside much dignity in addition to poise [20 years one-time Tanvi, is so proud of seeing such phenomenal personality alter inwards the xxx years one-time Tanvi ;)]

Don't endure disappointed. I am no-saint. I convey got my ain 'annoy-the-annoyer-with-love' tricks. What? You say, yous wanna acquire them? Why, of course, I am hither to share. 

Now convey your game confront on alongside a smirk smiling ...
  1. The well-nigh of import lesson I convey learnt is to never acquire into a give-and-take alongside the annoyer, equally it is so difficult trying to brand a indicate calmly when yous are boiling alongside anger within. Instead handle alongside him/her, in addition to [...wait-for-it ...] destination the judgement alongside "... if yous state so!". Hence, negating the agreement. Anyone alongside one-half a encephalon ought to grab that remark in addition to non convey a come upward back, for yous are, afterward all, agreeing alongside them! ;) [See, the savage circle of annoyance there?]
  2. Build an arm distance betwixt yourself in addition to the annoyer. Be polite. Be firm. Answer a compliment alongside "Thank You!" in addition to non a tidings more, respond everything else alongside a dark confront (aka poker face!) in addition to travel out of there. And if this is online, in addition to then "Thank You!" nonetheless plant for a compliment, in addition to for everything else: Ignore. If yous hand to convey other people mutual betwixt you, this mental attitude alter volition stand upward out more. You are non doing anything wrong, but non saccharide coating yourself either. 
  3. Put a lid on it. If yous produce non desire to interact alongside someone in addition to at that topographic point is a remote possibility that yous don't convey to, in addition to then don't. Its your fourth dimension in addition to energy, wouldn't yous rather pose it to skillful use? Don't allow the annoyer come inwards your world. Let them endure on the exterior ;) 
I am telling yous they work. Make yous await similar a well-cultured-lady land taking a stand. And I merely received a message from the xx years one-time Tanvi. She says, "That's the means to grow-up, Tanvi! That's the means to grow-up!"

Mission Accomplished! 

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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