Perception & Interpretation

I cause got realized that Blogging is a tricky medium. You mightiness last the best of writers but at that topographic point is no guarantee that your postal service volition last taken inwards the spirit that it was intended. So far I cause got written close 550 posts too I nation this from experience that all of them cause got been misunderstood yesteryear someone or the other. 

Once I was existence sarcastic, too roughly people idea I was upset too angry.
Once I was sharing go stories too it roughly how turned into a religious debate.
Once I was existence honest, too someone idea I was existence arrogant.
Once I was existence polite, too someone idea I was existence a force over. 
... too I tin flame become on too on too on ... 

Of course, none of this has stopped me from blogging or speaking my mind. That but wouldn't change. But I cause got learnt that no affair how clear too elementary I maintain the posts at that topographic point volition e'er last an chemical component of perception too interpretation, which over again is subjected to the people who are reading it, their backgrounds, experiences, civilization too sometimes their relation to me. I cannot command all this. So I cause got no pick but to maintain proverb (writing) what I believe in. The only thing which IS inwards my command is - I tin flame brand certain that at that topographic point is never a personal vendetta or evil intended against anyone. And trust me, at that topographic point never is! 

P.S. There is e'er an pick of not reading my spider web log if y'all don't similar me or disagree amongst my thoughts. No difficult feelings there...!        

Shoes - ALDO [11']
Cargo Pants - BCBG [09']
Kurta (Tunic) - Anokhi [Delhi, 11']
Earrings - Gift from Mom [10']
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