Comments Conundrum

"At the halt of the day, it's exactly a blog. You tin sack wearing clothing it upward amongst how ever many ads equally you lot desire or fill upward it amongst how ever many pretty photos of yourself, but until there's a truthful passion driving it in addition to closed to sort of point, it's ever going to last exactly closed to other shallow, insignificant business office of the internet." - Indiana, of Adored Austin

Lately, blogging has been leaving me amongst mixed feelings. I am trying to remain away for social media fifty-fifty later I ended the hiatus. Somewhere downwardly the route I experience I am losing the zeal for it, non because I am non passionate almost blogging. I am. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 LOT. But because my passion does non appear to coincide amongst the outcome. I started blogging for myself. PURELY myself. I was lonely inward a novel country. Still am. And this gives me a medium to instruct my thoughts out of my system. When I write what I am thinking, I instruct a clarity almost myself. 

In the procedure I conduct maintain discovered an amazing online community. It nourishes me. But it has also started to undermine me. The mad rush to gain followers. The constant tweets to promote posts. The non-stop requests to follow people on Blogger-Bloglovin'-Twitter-Facebook-Instagram! Something's gotta give?!?!?! I turn down to last sucked into this game. I turn down to experience guilty for non beingness able to comment/visit 100 blogs each day. And I turn down to follow tit-for-tat. 

However, the occupation volition non instruct solved yesteryear writing 1 post. Eventually this volition instruct buried equally the novel posts come upward along in addition to in that place volition last ever last people doing the same song-and-dance. Hence, I conduct maintain decided to switch off the comments, permanently. It breaks my essence because I actually create dear to take away heed from all of you. I dear the interaction. I also dear the adulation but the pressure level to croak along upward amongst all the blogs is driving me insane. 

It tin sack last seen equally likely my ain brusk coming inward non beingness able to compartmentalize dissimilar aspects of blogging. But it kills me if I create non catch the blogs of everyone who has left a comment. I tried to cut back the position out of posts inward corporation to brand fourth dimension to catch blogs but in that place are exactly non plenty hours inward the day. I believe inward treating others the means I want to last treated, in addition to inward my books it would last rude to non provide the gesture (except for the follow-me-commenters!) exactly because, I besides was "new" 1 twenty-four hours in addition to felt "left-out/hurt" if individual did non reciprocate my visit, fifty-fifty once. I conduct maintain never asked anyone to visit, or follow my blog. EVER. But straight off I realize, that I had expected it, fifty-fifty if it was done subconsciously. Today, I experience I conduct maintain ii choices; one, experience the joy of receiving comments and/or experience the joy of blogging, in addition to betwixt the ii I conduct latter. 

More than me, likely closed to of my readers, especially my parents, volition last disappointed almost my decision, equally they savour reading the comments equally much equally they savour the post (if non more!) but I experience I conduct maintain to conduct maintain this measuring for my ain sanity. This means I know, that if in addition to when individual decides to catch my blog, and/or I catch their's, its really because nosotros wanted to in addition to non because in that place are whatsoever expectations inward return. 

Although, if ever you lot experience that you lot actually want to say/share something amongst me (good or bad!), in addition to therefore delight create non intend you lot can't, 'coz I am all the same around. We tin sack all the same communicate. If you lot desire to. And you lot already know how -  Facebook, & Twitter plus there's ever email. I promise this volition non alter anything betwixt us in addition to you lot volition run into where I am coming from. Thank you lot for reading.

What few others conduct maintain to order on this topic: (List via Gala Darling)
Why I don’t conduct maintain comments (Seth Godin)
Making infinite for creative credo 
(Danielle LaPorte)
4 righteous bits on fine art & interactivity (Danielle LaPorte)
3 timeless & uncomplicated strategies to connect amongst anyone (Everett Bogue)
The halt of conversation inward social media (Mitch Joel)
Turning off the comment demon (Jeremy Wagstaff)
Proposal: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 novel variety of weblog commenting system (Dave Winer)
Why did you lot plow off comments on Zen Habits? (Leo Babauta)

Why I Turned Off Comments (Gala Darling)

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