Fashion Review: The Hunger Games

Worry not! This is not a film review. No secrets are beingness revealed. 

Without giving away much virtually the film together with letting it live on enjoyable for everyone who volition live on watching it, I merely desire to portion my "fashionable" observations from the movie. To tell the least, I am absolutely smitten together with amazed past times the styling of the characters inwards the movie. This must conduct hold been a picnic for ll the stylists, equally definitely ane doesn't non acquire a conduct a opportunity to experiment thus much inwards commons commercial cinema. And afterward much google-ing for the terminal few hours, since I returned from the movies, I conduct hold learnt that their blueprint of fashion had been making waves for a spell together with I am alone catching upwards to it now. Forgive me, I am non a Hunger-Games-Groupie! 
The educatee of this fictional province could laissez passer on the Gagas, together with Katys together with Nickis a run for their money, equally far equally eccentric costumes were concerned. On minute thoughts they would in all likelihood experience completely at abode amid them, or may live on non equally they wouldn't stand upwards out (thats the aim of crazy-dressing, right?)

One somebody who would stand upwards out inwards the movie, inwards damage of styling is Elizabeth Banks. She truly looks similar a grapheme out of ane of Tim Burton's movie. Think Johnny Depp inwards Alice inwards Wonderland meets Charlie together with the Chocolate Factory, but inwards a gown. Quite fashionable together with she carries it truly well!

The men inwards the film were extremely fashion forward. 

- Look at the intricate beard deisgn, I wonder if in that location is a stencil he used, else I can't fifty-fifty start out to imagine the fourth dimension it would conduct hold them to keep it everyday.
- If whatever homo tin ship off an eyeliner together with all the same await that damn sexy together with thus it has to live on Lenny. His hide fourth dimension is express but you lot create non conduct hold your eyes off him, or at to the lowest degree I didn't ;)    
- Blue hair. Cute pony tail. Personality of Stanley Tucci. AWESOME. Enough said!

Jennifer (girl crush! *sigh!*) aka Katniss together with the people from her district are the alone ones who dressed similar normal people, i.e. similar us, i.e. similar boring! When sharing hide fourth dimension amongst Elizabeth Banks, she looked like, how-I-feel-like spell watching MTv Awards -> Out of place! Although she looks absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous inwards that ruby-red wearing clothing amongst stick-on-crystals on her left shoulder. 

This has goose egg to create amongst the movie, 
except that forthwith I am obsessed amongst all things arrows.
The 'hunt' is ON!

So conduct hold you lot seen the movie? What did you lot think? Let me know, if you lot like! :) 

Thank you lot for reading & Have a skilful weekend, y'll! 

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