Last Nighttime Inwards Nyc

These pictures are from my concluding eventide inwards NYC. I was contemplating posting them every mo they are non every mo abrupt every mo what nosotros lead hold gotten used to hither on the blog, ....but I genuinely liked the 'raw' effect. Everything cannot last perfect, all the fourth dimension right?

My friend took these pictures too this was her showtime fourth dimension operating a DSLR, that likewise at NIGHT - a hard task! At first, I idea she was struggling all for my cause, only solely later bespeak her to permit it larn for well-nigh 10 times, I realized she was genuinely having fun too was downwardly amongst the whole outfit-photography-thing! 

I oftentimes complain well-nigh non having whatsoever friends who alive unopen by, only I am genuinely thankful for having some genuinely skillful friends all some the world. Me too Khushbu are middle schoolhouse friends. We became friends inwards 1994 too were inwards the same schoolhouse till 1998 - since so nosotros lead hold ever maintained a long distance friendship. I dearest that fifty-fifty today I tin come across her too connect from the same betoken from where nosotros left off. This daughter is smart, kind, down-to-earth too a go-getter! I already cannot hold off to reckon her i time again :D

This are taken on her aeroplane building's rooftop
The lights shooting into the sky, was inwards respect of 9/11
Photography courtesy my friend Khushbu
This was her showtime fourth dimension using the SLR, that likewise at night, therefore a picayune blurry shots!

Tank - ASOS [10']
Jacket - Urban Outfitters [10']
Cut Offs - Made from Miss Sixty Jeans [06']
Boots - United Nude [08']

P.S. I knew when I was posting these pictures that this is going to last i of those outfits which looked much amend inwards existent life than it does inwards pictures, only so since I wearing clothing for myself too non the pictures, I idea I volition postal service it anyways! If you lot don't similar it - No hard feelings. :) 

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