Growing Upward Is Over Rated!

Growing upwards is SO over rated. There are absolutely no perks for existence an adult. Here is what the monastic tell tries to 'sell' adulthood with, which I ain't buying no more:
  1. Alcohol - As a teenager everyone gets excited well-nigh the idea of existence able to gulp freely. Guess What? It will, brand y'all create some embarrassing sh*t that you'd want never happened, brand y'all tell things y'all would never live on able to accept dorsum in addition to if y'all are extremely unlucky in addition to thus it mightiness too kill y'all via drunkard driving or liver failure. God forbid, if y'all occur to live on ane of those extremely weak kinds y'all volition terminate upwards inward AA alongside some random bunch of people, in addition to volition live on forced to part your feeling (and what not!) alongside strangers. #fact 
  2. Driving License - I know, getting a driving license is similar a ticket to freedom. We fantasize that in ane lawsuit nosotros tin receive nosotros volition accept automobile in addition to zoom into the Sun laid in addition to ask heed to reggae all our lives in addition to terminate upwards on a beach where its party-time 24/7. No? That's non your dream? Well, in addition to thus it was but me. The request is that that ain't gonna happen. What is going to occur is that y'all volition live on stuck inward traffic for 50% of your adult life, remainder 50% of the fourth dimension y'all volition live on running errands for solid unit of measurement which y'all never wanted to. Few years into adulthood in addition to y'all volition live on complaining well-nigh the pitiable carry organization inward your urban amount 'coz y'all actually don't desire to accept your automobile out. P.S. Don't fifty-fifty larn me started on the forever ascension Petrol prices y'all volition live on paying for the remainder of your adult lives. 
  3. Move out of Parents House - We cannot await to larn out the nest in addition to wing away from all the rules in addition to dependent right? Figure this -> There are no H2O bills, electricity bills, grocery bills, rent, to bargain alongside at parent's house. Everything gets paid magically land y'all tin stroll approximately every bit God's gift to mankind. I want my parents would accept me dorsum forever in addition to I hope I would live on dorsum abode past times 9pm in addition to never inquire for belatedly nights, in addition to never fifty-fifty inquire for a car. N.E.V.E.R. 
  4. You are a Kid! How nosotros despise this phrase land growing up, eh? exclusively if nosotros knew the 'protective sheild' it comes along with. Being a shaver means, y'all are allowed to brand mistakes, it agency y'all volition live on given a ane one one thousand thousand to a greater extent than chances, it agency when y'all mess-up mortal volition guide y'all every bit to how to become well-nigh fixing it. BUT in ane lawsuit y'all are a grown up, no such luck! Made a mistake? Deal alongside it, or pay a cost for it, 'coz ain't nobody is coming to assist y'all out of it. 
  5. Exams - I dear studying in addition to aid classes (I volition admit, I was a teacher's pet all my life!) but I HATE exams. Like REALLY loathe them!!! I am a nervous wreck fifty-fifty at the scream of the give-and-take exam. xiv years afterwards I nevertheless larn nighttime mares well-nigh Board Exams (Indian Education System) but straightaway I realize they were thus much easier than the damn riddles life keeps throwing at you. For exams, if y'all written report y'all receive got a skillful guide chances of doing well, but alongside the random-life-tests (without whatsoever prior syllabus, heed you!) how are y'all fifty-fifty supposed to pass? 
... in addition to that's why I comport similar a kid
Why would anyone desire to live on a grown-up?

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