Reader's Spotlight (Xi) - Shruti

Hi Tanvi , 

I actually dear the sentiment of interacting through the Readers Spotlight.I absolutely dear your Mix too Match department inwards which  yous have on a slice of article of apparel or accessory inwards a agency dissimilar from its intended use. Its neat to run across how nosotros tin multitask article of apparel or accessory.

After seeing your Mix too Match post on 5th April, I was inspired to have on a bloom pilus clip that I had, every bit a brooch. Do checkout the pic too permit me know your comments.
I bring been a neat fan of your weblog for around months too I am actually inspired past times yous too your creativity.


That is fantastic, Shruti. I dear when people recollect out of the box too hold upwardly creative. We tin literally double our cupboard inwards this way! I recollect it totally industrial plant every bit a brooch. Thank yous for sending inwards your pic too appreciating my blog. P.S. You bring a lovely smiling :)

Hey, everyone! Thank yous everyone who has continued to ship pictures for the Reader's Spotlight. I bring made a slight modify to the segment. I volition post this characteristic every alternate Friday here on. 

If yous are novel here: this is a segment where my readers become to portion their mode or enquire of suggestions (if they demand any!) from all my readers. So if yous bring been inspired past times my weblog then Email me your outfit pictures for this feature. If anyone wishes to stay Anonymous just country the word!

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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