... Inwards The Fast Lane

Every in i lawsuit inward a while, it simply in addition to thence happens that I of a precipitous realize - Life is good! (...time to knock on the wood?)

Let's run across ... The weather condition has been kind, I am feeling fitter than ever, eating salubrious amongst treats every weekend, things are moving at a footstep that I enjoy. What else could I inquire for? 

That's when I sit down back, stimulate got a deep breadth in, stare inward to the oblivion in addition to taste the moment! Right this instance, I would non move anywhere but here, amongst no other companionship but mine, doing cipher else but this! Hence, ... Life is good! 

This outfit is in addition to thence rad, if I may tell in addition to thence myself. Peplum, Dots, Floral, Stripes, Mixing Prints, Neon Accessories, (almost) wedges, ... phew! Which tendency did I operate out out?

Top  - Anthropologie [09'] 
Tube clothes worn every bit a skirt - ASOS [10']
Shoes - Bamboo via Lulu's [11']
Pendant - Gift from Mom [10']
Accessories -  Here & There

P.S. I am submitting this expect for the InFB Remix - FLORALSIf yous too, wishing to exhibit to flower-power, please create bring together me there on 2d May 2012.

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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