Photographer Appreciation Week: Business Office 3

QualitiesSense of Humor, Caring, too Curious

... My knight inwards shining armor, hero of my soon-to-be-made-movie too the homo behind the blog. 

I am certain everyone would relate to this incident where a stranger (1 or more) has approached you, rather awkwardly, too asked if y'all wouldn't hear taking their picture? When such a person/people approach my married adult man they don't realize they produce got hitting a jackpot. For Mr. Fabulous volition non alone accept their picture, he volition brand certain he gives them their 'kodak moment'. He volition straight off them, tell to stand upward at a indicate where the background complements them, accept their painting from unlike angles, ii of each (just inwards case!) too horizontally likewise every bit vertically too volition buy the farm on clicking till they are satisfied. Needless to say, past times the terminate of their photograph session the strangers are grinning from ear-to-ear. So imagine if he does that for a consummate stranger, what he mightiness live on doing for me? Literally moving mountains, I say! Catering to my whims too fancies. Learning the fine art of photography too editing, from scratch. And making his discipline facial expression much ameliorate than she actually is (without photoshop, of course!). He has an optic for detail, loves to displace novel angles, never stops pushing the envelope too never gives up. Wouldn't facial expression anything less from the scientist later all, right? 

Besides taking my pictures, he loves nature photography (national geographic calling!). But he refuses to showtime a Facebook Page for his pictures. Sometimes I postal service them on my Blog Page nether go albums. HawaiiNational HarborLondonChicago. Amritsar. Washington D.C. etc. etc. etc. 

All the outfit shoots are done past times him unless stated otherwise inwards the respective posts.

Grey Top - GAP [11']
Pink Tank - VS [09']
Jeans - UO [11']
Shoes - From a store inwards Tehran [Iran, 07']
Accessories - Here & There

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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