Dots & Stripes Inward Dark & White

I don't strive for popularity. In fact I volition become on a curvature together with say, I despise popularity. It creates chaos. Too many expectations. Too much pressure. And I for one, similar my life simple (Avoid popularity if y'all would accept peace. - Abraham Lincoln)If something is pop together with therefore everyone has it together with if mortal is pop together with therefore everyone is aping him/her. Where's the adventure inwards that? Like I accept said before, if nosotros continue aping what already exists how volition nosotros movement forward? 

I similar trying new things together with preferably earlier mortal else has tired/used them already. In marketing terminology, I would live on called an "early adopter" together with my terminology I would live on called a 'rebel'. The "IN" matter way absolutely zippo to me. If it is "IN" together with therefore it is in all probability fourth dimension for me to donate or throw it away! Just similar Twitter & Pinterest! I had joined twitter inwards 2008 when barely anyone was on it together with the tweets were scarce together with to a greater extent than meaningful (Yes! fifty-fifty inwards 140 characters). Current twitter atmospheric condition brand me lady friend the pre-twitter-times when nosotros all kept our thoughts to ourselves together with didn't experience the remove to narrate our every activity to the whole footing (I am inwards the automobile now. I am stuck inwards traffic now. Oh! The automobile is moving instantly - NEWSFLASH: No i cares!). Then I had joined Pinterest inwards 2010 when it had only started together with it was genuinely a house for curated images. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 state were everything was pretty together with y'all had a run a peril to escape to a footing filled alongside inspiration together with dreams. Unlike instantly when it most looks similar a page from google images. Everything is existence pinned! Seriously?!?!? 

So what was I saying? Yes. I similar things novel together with fresh ... together with if they aren't "new" together with therefore they meliorate live on dissimilar together with unique. On that note, here's what's non novel - the ii dresses below. Both are from 2007 together with I similar them also much to business office alongside them!

Dress - From a store inwards Tehran [Iran 07'] Similar
Shoes - Jimmy Choo [07'] Similar
Shades - Borrowed from Husband [12'] Similar

Belt - Thrifted [J. Crew 10'] Similar
Dress - Karuna Khaitan [07'] Similar
Shoes - Børn [10'] Similar
Shades - Miu Miu [10'] Similar

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012.
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