Man Behind This Woman!

This ship is iii months belatedly (due to a sure as shooting tech difficulties) but hey! improve belatedly than never, right? 

So today I am inward the mood to speak almost the wonderful human being who is ever behind the scenes of my spider web log - My husband! I am sure as shooting everyone knows past times at i time that he is a scientist (hence nosotros all know who has the the brains inward this relationship. No arguments there!). Before coming together him I had never known a scientist inward existent life. It is prophylactic to tell my impression of this profession was heavily influenced past times the stereotype portrayed inward the books too films. And similar most stereotypes, in that place is ever an exception

Besides beingness intelligent, he is handsome, charming, compassionate, friendly ... I could become on too on too on ... I cause got lost most of my friends to him. They shamelessly declare that they prefer him over me. *sigh* But the best character of his is that he never behaves similar a typical 'Indian' human being i.e. doesn't taunt me or halt me from shopping, never makes me experience guilty of leaving him behind too go (if I do!), if I am busy writing a spider web log ship (like correct now) he cleans the kitchen too does the dishes (without me having to ask!), is ever willing to accept me on a holiday, makes midnight runs to the gas station if I run out of my chocolate stash (I am sure as shooting he is glad that I haven't asked him to practice that inward the concluding iv months), never gets tired of listening to me speak almost Salman, Hrithik & Aamir (Indian Actors!), too ever accompanies me to all the movies I wanna lookout adult man too [beat this] also, manages to sit down through the chick-flicks without whining. And of course, he was non a lensman till he met me but he has learnt the fine art over the past times year, via query too youtube videos, only for me too my pocket-sized footling blog! He is my photographer, tech-support, proof reader, bounce board for ideas too punching bag. All-in-ONE! :D   

He is also, i of the funniest people I cause got ever met. He comes upwardly amongst the wittiest too the cutest stuff, out-of-the-blue! Whenever he sees me eagerly checking my ship early on inward the morning, he knows I must cause got posted the black earlier too hence, volition ask, "Movie unloose ho gayi?" [Translation: "Has the moving-picture demo released?" Interpretation: "Is the novel ship up?"]. Whenever I laid upwardly something of his liking, he'll come upwardly up amongst novel ways to compliment me. One recent compliment that I remember, "Tum annapurna ho!" [Translation: "You are bestower of nutrient inward nifty quantity"] ... You acquire he idea! :)

I am non maxim that my life is perfect ... what I am maxim is ... that ... he makes it worth it, to fighting through the imperfections!

I wasn't ready! I sentiment Husband was even too so checking the lighting too what-not!
Lighting seems fine, right?
But he didn't mean value so, too I got tired of waiting!
Tired too ready to become home! 
Top - BCBG [11']
Dress worn every bit skirt - ASOS [10']
Shoes - Dolce Vita [10']
Earrings - Bauble Bar [11']

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