
I was having a conversation amongst a friend yesterday, which I after realized was in all likelihood the other side of this coin. I know what to produce if together with when I'm inspired past times 'a source' ... simply our predicament straightaway is - What should y'all produce if mortal thinks that are you have copied (or are inspired) from them simply y'all haven't? - I don't get got an response for that. [... that is thus dissimilar me, i.e. non having an response to something ;)] 

I for one, don't care, 'coz what mortal else thinks it none of my business, every bit long every bit I know my conscience is clear. But I estimate that is in all likelihood non acceptable on a professional person or creative front. Unless, 1 tin flaming depict clear 'copied' tangents it is difficult to attempt out every bit well. For the same reasons I guess, fashion designers cannot 'patent' their designs together with why Louboutin lost the ruddy sole battle to YSL! Creativity plainly cannot live on measured together with or time-lined! That's got to frustrating simply together with then that is that! 

Now over to the outfit ...

This is about other outfit shoot I did amongst my blood brother concluding year! I am certain y'all are wondering where I am posing? No? You are not. Well, likewise bad, I am going to nation y'all regardless. I am a the roof function past times of my house. The 1 which looked similar this concluding year, together with looks like  now.  

Dress – RNA [11'] Similar
Shoes– Aldo [11'] Similar
Bangles – From Central Market inwards Delhi [11'] Similar
Necklace - Les Parisiennes Store inwards Delhi [11'] Similar
Pictures Courtesy – TJ Photography

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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