One Country!

... Readers from  countries other than India, this mightiness non live of your interest. 
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If y'all don't similar something, modify it. 
If y'all can't modify it, too therefore modify your attitude. 
Don't complain. - Maya Angelou

I worry close my country. A. LOT. While the globe admires our culture, diversity, too traditions ... us Indians nosotros come across those exact same things too telephone phone them our differences on the footing of race, caste too color

Any logical somebody would know that no urban substance (or country/or person) is without its faults. Every portion has something to offering piece it lacks inward something else. Wasn't that the whole yell for of bringing all the states together too making India, ONE country? So that nosotros tin co-exist too reap the benefits of a nation? Can i unmarried state, honestly say that they are self sufficient too volition live able to live on on their own? That's substitution economics, which whatsoever i who went to schoolhouse would know! 

Of course, piece growing upwards I direct been naive plenty to drib dead utilization of many discussions where Delhi was beingness pinned against Bombay too I felt I had to stand upwards up for my city. But today I know better! I mightiness non direct the ability to command everyone but I would non participate inward such a tidings fifty-fifty if it is done inward 'good' humor. For I know that such discussions never accomplish a determination but definitely sew together seeds of racism/regionalism. As educated-internet-savvy-well-traveled-responsible-adults, nosotros all should retrieve (more than) twice earlier nosotros fifty-fifty test too brand joke (or remark) which has fifty-fifty a hint of racism or discrimination (don't fifty-fifty larn me started close people who write full-fledged spider web log posts!). 

The globe is moving at lightening speed, piece nosotros are nonetheless argument over whether Bombay (will to a greater extent than or less Thackeray come upwards too kill me if I don't telephone phone it Mumbai?) is amend than Delhi or South Indian nutrient is amend than North Indian nutrient or if to a greater extent than color too tradition lies inward West Bharat than East India. I mean, who cares? We all are luckily utilization of the same soil too produce non direct to choose! Shouldn't nosotros live glad close that? ... Or would nosotros rather, prefer to alive inward a globe where nosotros needed visa too passport to drib dead from Madras (oh shoot!) Chennai to Begaluru Bangalore (darn!) & from Orissa (Blah!) Odisha to Pashim Banga West Bengal (Mehh!)? I mean, simply imagine GOA non beingness utilization of 'YOUR' country? [That got your attention, didn't it? ;)]

SO, until WE produce non halt dissecting our soil inward to regions too outset seeing it every bit ONE, in that place is little-to-no-hope of real advancement! I kid-you-not!

My previous endeavors inward the same area: 
Come on, India! Really?
... In a larger system of life!

Necklace - ASOS [10']
Bag - ChloƩ [07']
Skirt - c/o Lulu's [11']
Dress worn every bit top - Zara [06']
Shoes - BAMBOO c/o Lulu's [11']
Bracelets - From streets of Delhi [07']

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