Notting Colina Vibes

I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this month. I told my hubby nosotros possess got to spotter all the Oscar nominated motion-picture exhibit then that I am brand an informed persuasion whether they deserved to win or not. Not similar anyone cares almost what I intend but it merely gave me a argue to convince my husband. And it worked. 

So far I possess got seen 5 out of the nine movies which are nominated. 

La La Land - I had actually high expectations from this movie. I saw it earlier it was nominated for the Oscars. I liked the movie. I liked the performances. But I nonetheless didn't larn the hype to a greater extent than or less it. I hateful it is good, but is it THAT good? Also, if someone should possess got been nominated it had to locomote Ryan Gosling (not because he is gorgeous). His surgical operation definitely was agency improve than Emma Stone. 

Arrival - I institute it to locomote every bit good slow. Again, it was skillful but was it actually THAT good? I larn the twists together with turns but really. It didn't blow me away. And I similar Amy Adams but this wasn't her best performance. 

Lion - I LOVED this movie. Such a wonderful heart-warming story. The fact that it was a truthful storey made it then much to a greater extent than impactful. My entirely consequence hither was that why wasn't the tiddler creative mortal (Sunny) nominated? He unmarried handedly carried the motion-picture exhibit on his shoulders for the showtime 45 minutes, amongst real few dialogues. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 must watch. 

Hidden Figures - OMG! Such.A.Good.Movie. Give it an Oscar already. Every unmarried performance, the story, the costumes, - everything! It was also a truthful storey which inwards parts, merely gave me goosebumps together with inwards parts made me smile. A must watch. 

Fences - It has stellar performances, some actually long scenes together with an intense story. It merely felt every bit good long for me together with I got impatient but a skillful motion-picture exhibit nonetheless. 

MoonlightHacksaw Ridge,  & Manchester By The Sea - I volition locomote watching these shortly together with volition update this infinite earlier the Oscars. 

Hell or High Water - This is the entirely movie, I am non excited almost watching. I don't intend I volition encounter it. 

Which 1 possess got y'all seen? 

Moving on to the outfit, I in conclusion institute a wearing apparel which I tin post away article of apparel inwards winters without worrying almost layers and/or dying inwards cold. This wearing apparel is from Dainty Jewells and I honey the fact that it has a heavy stuff lining which gives it a skillful autumn but also a skillful layer to give-up the ghost on me from freezing my a$$ off. I also occur to honey its squall - Blissful Bloom - The squall every bit good took fleck of the sting out of a mutual depression temperature wintertime twenty-four hr menstruum inwards London. These shots were taken inwards Notting Hill. Sigh! I missy London.  

I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes  
I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes
  I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes
I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes
I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes 
I possess got been on a motion-picture exhibit marathon this calendar month Notting Hill Vibes
Photography via Sara Lejon

Jacket - c/o Uniqlo // Similar
Dress - c/o Dainty Jewells // Same
Boots - c/o Shoe Dazzle // Similar 
Bag - Chanel // Similar
Sunglasses - D&G // Option
Scarf - From Scotland // Similar
Gloves - Saks // Similar

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