Life Lately

Life ... lately has been swinging from "traveling together with reading" to "watching movies together with news" together with dorsum to "traveling together with reading" which if you lot inquire me is a pretty proficient pendulum to endure on. Besides the tidings part. Every twenty-four hours is a nightmare on that front. But I practice non desire to dwell on that correct now.

 which if you lot inquire me is a pretty proficient pendulum to endure on Life Lately

On wellness together with fitness front, I am doing exceptionally good. In the by month, I induce got been successful at eliminating carbohydrate (for the most part) together with refined carbs (completely). I induce got lost a few inches over all together with almost 4 pounds. I know it doesn't audio much but I am quite happy amongst the progress. I besides started logging-in my calories inward January, which has made me accountable together with responsible towards my food. Starting adjacent week, I volition endure collaborating with the Jenny Craig programme for i month. I induce got never done a nutrient invention earlier then I am excited to reckon if that makes a divergence inward whatsoever way. I volition endure sharing to a greater extent than almost it the next Friday

Blogging has besides been busy. I induce got been catching upwardly on a lot of previous travel content from Istanbul (Turkey), Pondicherry (India), together with Arizona (U.S.A) spell continuing to move more. Sometimes, I experience I am stuck on a bike which keeps on turning. It is the same bike - travel, create, produce, write, post, promote - non-stop! I am non complaining though. This is the exact life I wanted. This is the exact life I have. I intend I merely ask a extra fix of hands I would endure good. 

Reading has been going steady equally well. I induce got non mentioned my books on the weblog inward by 3-4 months but I induce got read at to the lowest degree 10 since my terminal post. I reviewed them all on YouTube (click above). If books are your thing, I would advise you lot banking corporation check out my channel

 which if you lot inquire me is a pretty proficient pendulum to endure on Life Lately

Continuing amongst the topic of travel, my terminal trip was to London together with I had the most wonderful time. Out of the 7 days I was there, 6 were sunny which is the highest social club of luck or blessing, whichever you lot believe in. I induce got or then wonderful pictures to part from this trip inward the coming week. I am besides working on a "How To Plan H5N1 Girl's Getaway" postal service soon. Let me know if you lot would desire me to comprehend whatsoever other specific weblog topic. 

 which if you lot inquire me is a pretty proficient pendulum to endure on Life Lately
Last but non the least, I induce got something exciting to share. If you lot alive inward the DMV surface area delight come upwardly together with run across me at the Lou & Grey store at the Tyson's Corner. There volition endure low-cal sips, snacks, together with or then goodies for you lot to accept home. And of course, I volition endure at that spot then nosotros could chit-chat together with shop. Hope to reckon you lot there! 

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