I Alive Inward A Bubble

You know what I convey realized? I alive inwards a bubble. My ain niggling curated bubble. This is non a bubble that I was pose into though. I convey created it all on my own. Unintentionally. 

I produce non read many blogs whatever more, except the ones that popular on my timeline together with convey an engaging comprehend photograph or a title. I definitely don't read many fashion blogs.

I don't interact amongst many people. You mightiness already know that. I convey mentioned it several time. I don't similar people. The ones I produce interact amongst the nearly are people inwards the grocery store, my hairdresser, my pharmacist, then on together with then forth. Basic functional interactions, which are short, sweetness together with solve a purpose. Any meaningful interactions are few together with far apart. By design.

I produce non shop. In fact shopping stresses me out. It is a nuisance, really. I teach elated that I am able to create outfits from my existing wardrobe without having to teach through the torture of browsing through stuff, trying stuff, not-fitting into stuff, yada yada yada ... 

I produce non create much whatever more. In 2017 I convey in all likelihood cooked 1 time per week. I convey been having salads. My hubby has been having soups. Life is going well. On other days nosotros teach out. I withal convey a salad together with hubby has whatever his-heart-desires. Like I said life is going well.

I don't pray, teach to temple or celebrate festivals. I simply don't. No reason.

These are simply few of the things I don't produce inwards my bubble. And from all my previous posts you lot already know all that I do, DO! :)

This is what I wore to brunch the by weekend. It was a cold-sunny-winter-day.
 This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble  This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble  This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble  This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble  This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble  This is non a bubble that I was pose into though I Live In Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bubble
Coat - Uniqlo // Similar
Denim Jacket - Massimo Dutti // Similar
Skirt - Gift // Option
Boots - c/o Musse together with Cloud // Another Option
Gloves - Saks // Another
Bag - Vintage // Better

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