Life Lately


Lately, I experience pulled inward all directions. Mentally. I don't know what number to accept up. Politics? Climate change? Violence? Women's rights? It seems similar everything is upward inward the air correct right away too if no 1 select grip of it then, it volition all come upward crashing down. I experience thence exhausted from talking/reading/thinking well-nigh the globe events too American/Indian politics correct right away that I tin strength out barely function. It mightiness audio similar an exaggeration precisely it is not. I intend nosotros collectively ask a interruption from this.

 It seems similar everything is upward inward the air correct right away too if no 1 select grip of it too thence Life Lately

Moving on to wellness too diet, I am doing quite well. My biggest challenge is to brand heathy choices spell beingness on-the-go too spell traveling. I was able to conquer them both inward the past times month. I lead maintain chosen a salad for all my meetings inward the past times ii months. And on my recent trip to Panama City, non solely did I remain inside my caloric intake I likewise lost a few pounds. Say whaaa? I volition live on completing 1 calendar month amongst Jenny Craig inward a week's time. One lesson I lead maintain learnt from it is that I was highly over estimating my component sizes. Will live on sharing to a greater extent than well-nigh it adjacent Friday.

Workouts are the solely affair I lead maintain been consistent amongst over the years. For the past times 1 twelvemonth I lead maintain been doing OTF which has been quite challenging precisely rewarding. I innovation to add together boxing too yoga to my weekly workouts, to mix things up. I am looking frontwards to something novel too exciting.

Talking of novel too exciting...I got a pilus cutting final calendar month for my birthday. Something similar to my inspiration. While I was happy amongst it for the past times ii weeks, right away I wishing I had gotten them cutting much shorter. Thoughts?

As for travel, in that place are no plans this month. I am quite happy to pass the whole calendar month at 1 spot. I lead maintain missed beingness home. I lead maintain missed doing nothing. I ask a solar daytime to create nothing. Heck, I ask a calendar month of doing nothing! 

How has your life been lately?

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