Planning Alongside Erin Condren

One of the usually asked questions (among many) is how produce I remain motivated piece working from home? It is non easy. You are accountable to nobody else but yourself. It requires a lot of planning and organization. And discipline. 

But luckily, i of my favorite things to produce is plan! So when Erin Condren contacted me to attend their Spring Event as well as checkout their products inwards person, of course of teaching I said, "YES!". Having the correct tools tin sack build all the difference. Unlike a traditional move space, where things are non e'er inwards your control, almost of the move supplies are quite boring, bland as well as convey piffling character. However, i of the perks of working for yourself, you lot tin sack produce whatever you lot like, including pick your ain stationary as well as move supplies. And larn inwards eccentric similar yourself (aka me!). 

What attracted me almost to the build is how colorful as well as vibrant their products were. One of the things I require to remain motivated (and a piffling entertained) piece working is having fun-colorful-things around. It is a bonus that the products tin sack endure personalized amongst your name, or initials, or your weblog shout out monogramed at no extra cost. Erin Condren products are non exclusively customizable but come upward inwards beautiful designs as well as patterns to gibe each individual's personality. 

Among diverse goodies that I received as well as checkout at the event, were signature personalized Erin Condren LifePlanner™, sticker book, colorful dual-tip markers, as well as snap-in StylizedSticky™ notes (while I love!). 

 is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren

My exclusively regret is that I didn't convey access to this planner sooner. I had been inwards a blogging funk for the by month, but having a novel planner as well as organizational tools has given me a jumpstart for the remaining for the year. Having access to beautiful personalized products into my daily piece of work life has got my creative juices flowing. Lucky for you, Erin Condren wants to plough over you lot a 15% discount! Use the code: GETSOCIAL15 before July 31st 2017 (cannot endure combined amongst other offers)

Keep scrolling farther to larn a peek into the fun number as well as my outfit for the evening.

 is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren

The number was every bit colorful as well as vibrant every bit the brand. Among the colorful balloons, outflow drink, pastel products, you lot couldn't assist but celebrate the commencement of spring. I had a guide chances to checkout everything that Erin Condren every bit a build has to offer. Needless to say, I cannot await to add together coloring pads, color pencils, hardbound notebooks, to shout out a few. Don't forget to job your 15% discount code: GETSOCIAL15 before July 31st 2017 (cannot endure combined amongst other offers)

 is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren   is how produce I remain motivated piece working from abode Planning With Erin Condren
Photography via Lacey
Top - Free People // Modern
Skirt - Consignment // Better
Shoes - Nordstrom // Similar
Ring - Haati Chai // Another

This post is inwards collaboration amongst Erin Condren. 
All opinions mentioned are my own. 

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