Why 1 Moved Away (Slightly) From Fashion Blogging

I was lately asked why did I cut down the disclose of outfit posts on the blog? Why did I diversify into Lifestyle blogging? So I sentiment a weblog post service was a goodness house to answer that. Firstly I didn't start out equally a 'fashion blogger'. I didn't start out equally a blogger, at all, actually! When I had started, I genuinely believe I was only writing (like an online journal). I was sharing together with exploring a medium of self expression. I only needed something to do. 

It was non until almost afterwards a one-half an yr of writing did I realize that I was indeed blogging together with at that spot are many others who weblog virtually dissimilar things together with topics. In Dec 2009, I stumbled upon a few fashion blogs together with my earth was forever changed. I remember, it was during the holidays when I spent several days (and nights) browsing through ane fashion weblog afterwards the other. Then on Christmas Day, I asked my hubby to direct maintain my start outfit pictures inward a parking lot exterior the cinemas amongst a basic point-and-shoot photographic television camera (we had gone to come across - Sherlock Holmes). And rest, equally they say, is history!

I was never "just" an outfit blogger. I intermittently blogged virtually fitness, food, together with everything else inward between. But final yr I took a witting determination to cut down outfit posts from thrice a calendar week to ane time a week, for several reasons. Firstly, I never really took clothes together with fashion that seriously to start with. Sure I similar dressing upward every ane time inward a while, together with appreciate people amongst mode but I am non (and never volition be) a clothes horse. Secondly, I had a describe concern dorsum together with thus which I was trying to grow together with it required me to give it to a greater extent than fourth dimension than the blog. However, fifty-fifty when I decided to unopen downward my business, instead of going dorsum to 3 outfit posts, I decided to explore my other interests together with passions. 

As many fashion bloggers together with other manufacture experts direct maintain said, together with I concord amongst them, fashion blogging is becoming a novel "Vogue", a platform to motility together with instruct people to purchase more, pass more, desire to a greater extent than ... together with (some times) laid unrealistic standards for women. Of course of didactics non every fashion weblog tin travel categorized inward the same agency but it is definitely getting harder to differentiate ane weblog from another. I practice non desire my weblog to travel lost inward the haze of 'just roughly other fashion blog'.

Personally, inward the final twain of years, I direct maintain tried together with characteristic brands together with products which I would (or have) pass my ain coin on. In fact, 90% of the outfit posts direct maintain been amongst clothes that I direct maintain bought myself. Also I desire to practice content which I tin travel proud of together with helps me limited my mode but also my inventiveness (without looking unrealistic). So amongst setting high standards for myself inward damage of photography together with content, it alone made feel to practice less outfit posts amongst improve quality. P.S. Also since I direct maintain converted to minimalism, together with I purchase my ain clothes at that spot are non that many dissimilar outfits to practice whatsoever more! #Truth

I practice intend that fashion blogging has already yesteryear it's peak. Sure at that spot volition yet travel roughly mode super stars, but most women are influenced yesteryear each other. Every unique sentiment gets beaten-down till it becomes primary stream. There are alone thus many ways inward which clothes tin travel worn, together with someone somewhere has belike already done that. The alone matter left is your personality. If y'all direct maintain the courage y'all demonstrate who y'all are, y'all powerfulness yet stand upward out but if y'all conception to only instruct clothes together with wearable them how the adjacent somebody is too, together with thus y'all are belike going to instruct lost inward the big-bad-world of Internet. Or at to the lowest degree that's what I think!

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