#Fitnessfriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Plan

Thank you Jenny Craig for sponsoring this post. -- Get serious most losing weight with Jenny Craig!

Last calendar week I had mentioned to y'all guys that I volition go starting Jenny Craig Program soon. Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the moment. But what I arrive at desire to speak most it why I am doing it. 

If y'all are a regular reader thus it should non go tidings to y'all that I direct hold been on a life long bespeak to construct clean my diet. Every twelvemonth I accept minor steps which I tin hold until they larn habits. For example, I don't gulp alcohol whatever more, I sleepy past times 9:30 - 10:00pm every day, I workout (strenuously) half-dozen times a calendar week too this twelvemonth I am trying to achieve a signal where my nutrient choices arrive at non alter simply because my location or circumstances change. 

The existent combat of 2016 was that I would go successful inwards forming adept habits too a salubrious routine but equally shortly equally I would go all my habits would leave of absence of the window too I would commencement saccharide too card loading. This conduct was partially due to lack of really many vegetarian options too partially due to pathetic decision-making. 

 Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program  Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program

When I received an chance to collaborate with Jenny Craig on a campaign, I idea it couldn't direct hold come upward at a meliorate time. I direct hold never done a nutrient plan earlier too I idea this would go a adept project equally I dearest challenging myself too I am committed to alter this year. 

What resonated alongside me most Jenny Craig was that it was non 1 of those "it" diets or a fad. Instead it focuses on how to enable their members on changing their see most nutrient too inwards plough come across existent results.

 Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program

If y'all arrive at non direct hold whatever diet restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) thus y'all really tin appreciate their to a greater extent than than 100 premium carte du jour items inwards irresistible flavors, created past times professional person chefs. 

 Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program

Upon my see alongside the consultant (Shoutout to Sandra Daly!), she provided me alongside information on part control, tips on salubrious eating habits too strategies to combine delicious Jenny Craig Meals too Snacks alongside fresh arrive at which is rich inwards H2O too fiber to hold me feeling sum longer alongside fewer calories.

 Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program  Today is my 2d 24-hour interval thus at that topographic point is non much I tin speak most the results at the 2d #FitnessFriday - Trying The Jenny Craig Program

My principal finish hither to really commit to smaller portions too cleaner diet, but losing* that extra 5 pounds wouldn't wound eight. I volition go sharing my experience too results inwards precisely a month's fourth dimension inwards Fitness Friday. If y'all are interested inwards seeing how I am doing on daily the world melody into my Insta Stories for all the behind-the-scene action. 

*Results non typical. Members next the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 1-2 lbs. per week. I received promotional consideration.

I was selected for this chance equally a fellow member of CLEVER
The content too opinions expressed hither are all my own.

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