Glow Photograph Series: Orange

After my last post a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging. I said I wasn't sure. Then they asked, why wouldn't I quit, if it isn't bringing me joy whatsoever more? The affair is that it is non similar I don't savor blogging. It is the fourth dimension that I destination upward spending on social media due to the spider web log that's getting to me. 

For those of yous who produce non spider web log hither is what it takes to build certain your each post is optimum. Come upward amongst an sentiment for the post, research, pitch to brands, negotiate, write, accept pictures, edit them, upload them, reveal the post. Now part it on all your social media platforms (facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, stumbleupon, snapchat, etc.) too build certain yous conduct maintain a unique caption for all of them amongst appropriate hashtags. Repeat the minute circular several times over equally each social post is brusque lived. Once done respond to all comments, feedback, too emails. Do it all over i time again amongst your side past times side post idea. This is non the toughest project on public only it does learn monotonous too involves sixteen hours a 24-hour interval on your weep or computer. 

That brings me to the role of this post: The ONLY reason I choke along to indulge inward Social Media is because it allows me to honour creatives too course of teaching a bond amongst women from dissimilar cultures too backgrounds. Like I conduct maintain said it several times before, blogging has introduced me to too then many wonderful people too their pathbreaking ideas that today I cannot imagine my life without whatsoever of it. With all it's cons social media is a wonderful medium to build a connectedness amongst strangers over mutual passions. Which brings me to today's post ...

I had the close wonderful fourth dimension shooting for the #GlowPhotoSeries a calendar week back. It is an idea conceptualized past times Chanel Jaali (@chaneljaali) too shot along side i of my favorite photographers Tania (@drishtiphotography). This serial brings dark too dark-brown beauty to the forefront, too encourages women of coloring to comprehend their natural glow. Do checkout the pictures from this shoot here

 a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange  a few of my friends asked me if I am actually planning to quit blogging Glow Photo Series: Orange
Location - Brookside Gardens, MD

Everything from India! 

Above outfit pictures were shot the same afternoon. I specially similar the particular shots too unopen ups, which likewise conduct house to live Tania's speciality (examples). If yous are looking for a lensman I would highly recommend her. Don't forget to banking concern check out her work: Website | Facebook | Instagram 

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