Lessons Learnt Inward 2016

 has been a twelvemonth for highest highs as well as lowest troughs Lessons Learnt inwards 2016

2016 has been a twelvemonth for highest highs as well as lowest troughs. It has been a fun, interesting, as well as a twelvemonth where I learned a lot nearly myself as well as a piddling to a greater extent than nearly the world. Below are some of the lessons that I could recollect final black earlier going to bed. I think, I mightiness hold to add together to this listing over the weekend. If I do, I volition advert that on Facebook & Twitter :) 

Here goes ... 

1. If you lot desire something set it out in that location inwards the universe, amongst clarity as well as earnestness. Universe returns it dorsum inwards ii folds.

2. Don't stress nearly what is non inwards your control. But actively endeavour as well as brand this earth a ameliorate place, for yourself as well as for people roughly you.

3. Value your time. Don't confuse beingness busy equally beingness productive. Set pocket-sized daily goals. Once you lot convey achieved them; relax.

4. Pick your battles. Just because you lot select to travel tranquillity doesn't hateful you lot are wrong. It agency you lot are smart plenty to relieve your liberate energy for what matters more.

5. Don't allow anyone else determine your self-worth - non social media, non your followers/fans, non your partner, non fifty-fifty your parents. You determine your ain self-worth.

6. Standing upward for what you lot believe inwards doesn't e'er hateful going out on a protestation march. Simply continuing to alive the way you lot desire to is activeness enough.

7. People volition hold to surprise you. Sometimes inwards a skillful way as well as sometimes not. Try as well as hold an opened upward mind. Even amongst buffoons. 

8. Just because somebody is intelligent doesn't hateful they volition create character function as well as vice versa. 

9. No i has it 'all' figured out, no affair how sorted they look. Everyone is merely doing the best they tin post away as well as know how. 

10. Let become of the FOMO. No i is having to a greater extent than fun than you lot are. If you lot are happy where you lot are, as well as then that's what matter's the most. 

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