Thoughts On Agency Blogging

You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes over as well as over again? I accept never flora that unnatural. I mean, I know that it is non unnatural. Sensible people don't teach some shopping for novel things every week. So when someone late asked me if I felt the pressure level to continuously purchase novel things inward social club to live on relevant inward fashion blogging, my respond was a blatant - NO! 

However, beingness inward the (fashion) blogging community I am an odd-one-out. That is likewise why I accept non been, as well as volition never live on a 'mega-successful' fashion blogger. I practise non propagate unnecessary spending on anything. I practise non store much. I practise non follow trends. I seldom share/talk close "sales". I urge people to invest inward lineament over quantity. Basically my agenda is non inward sync amongst fashion blogging's agenda. 

I practise non desire my readers to come upwards to my weblog as well as experience they don't accept things. I practise non desire them to live on discontent amongst their electrical flow closet. I practise non desire them to leave of absence at that topographic point as well as purchase what I am wearing. I practise non desire them to fifty-fifty re-create my manner or outfits. 

I desire my readers to view my weblog as well as teach excited close getting dressed. I desire them to meet their existing wardrobe amongst a novel energy. I desire them to hollo back earlier they shop. I desire them to create a wardrobe that represents THEIR personal manner as well as non MINE ... AND none of this is inward sync amongst what is pop inward fashion blogging. In my opinion, having a lot of clothes does non brand you lot stylish. Having style as well as confidence to apparel your clothes makes your stylish! 

I know I accept gone a niggling over board amongst the reveal of pictures inward this post. I only couldn't brand myself post whatever less. 🙈
You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging  
You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging
You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging
 You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging  
You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging
You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging   You know how I give-up the ghost on wearing the same clothes  Thoughts On Fashion Blogging  
Dress - COS // Better
Jeans - GAP // Similar
Jacket - From Istanbul // Another 
Shoes - Cole Haan // Similar
Bag - Vintage // Another

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