Life On-A-Whim

Today I consummate 8 years of writing this spider web log Life On-A-Whim

Today I consummate 8 years of writing this blog. It blows my mind, because I nonetheless distinctly recall the exact infinite together with fourth dimension when I wrote my kickoff post. Where I was, what I was thinking, what fourth dimension of the twenty-four hr catamenia it was - It was inwards the middle of the twenty-four hr catamenia together with practically wrote it on-a-whim together with published it without thinking twice. I had zip readers then.

And now, I can't believe I possess got been doing this for soo long together with genuinely brand a living doing it. If I seek together with sentiment my life every bit a 3rd mortal it doesn't fifty-fifty experience real. This doesn't appear similar my life (in a skillful way). This wasn't the path I had chosen for myself, together with today I don't fifty-fifty recall what path was it that I had intended to accept inwards the kickoff place. 

That's how I possess got lived most of my life though. On-a-whim. An thought popular upward into my caput together with I simply run amongst it. I rarely think well-nigh the 'what if' together with nor am I scared of failing. I simply become for it. For every bit far every bit I tin remember, it has turned out just fine. For the most business office at least. 

I wouldn't alter a thing. Not a unmarried thing. I similar everything just the agency it is. I similar where I live. I similar what I do. I honey the torso I am in. I honey my partner-in-crime (husband). And most importantly I honey myself. Now most people dorsum abode (India) would tell me non tell these things out loud because I powerfulness jinx it (nazar lag jayegi) but I am non scared of that. Of course, things volition change. Some powerfulness non fifty-fifty live inwards my favor together with powerfulness stone my boat. They certain volition convey a seismic sea wave of emotions. But something that I possess got learnt inwards the final decade is that - I volition survive. I volition adapt. I am rather skillful at it. Adapting, that is!  

The other affair I am skillful at is telling stories together with sharing my thoughts through writing. I am therefore grateful to possess got flora 'my tribe' through this blog. I had gone through most of my childhood together with teenage life, feeling similar a misfit. Someone who never quite belonged anywhere. I never understood why people didn't "get" me? I never knew why my thoughts were therefore dissimilar from people roughly me. And had it non been for blogging I would possess got continued to experience that agency all throughout my life. And what a compassion that would possess got been. 

So fifty-fifty though this is non a big landmark yr (like a fifth or 10th!) I am pretty psyched that I possess got stuck roughly for this long together with nonetheless bask blogging every bit much every bit I did on this exact day, 8 years go. 

Thanks for sticking roughly amongst me! 

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