Having Fun Amongst Colors

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging, is my abundant role of color. It is non intentional or planned. I am oft simply trying to wearing clothing for the conditions together with occasion but I cannot deny (as evidence proves) yesteryear honey for brilliant vibrant colors.

While I am comfortable amongst colors, I am aware that non every i is thence inwards today's postal service I am sharing a few ways inwards which y'all tin comprise color inwards your dressing this spring. 

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
Scarves / Neck Ties
Start small. Pick something that doesn't overwhelm you. H5N1 scarf or a tie is a groovy means to brand a simple-casual outfit pop. 

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
Colored Layers
Pick 2 colors together with thence exercise the whole expect or thence them. It tin move whatever 2 colors which complement each other.
One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
A monochrome expect doesn't accept to ever move all dark or all white. You tin practically selection whatever i color together with vesture unlike shades of it to exercise a harmonious look. 

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
Colorful caput gear
Whether it is a hat, a baseball game cap, or a scarf, y'all tin add together a popular of color through your caput gear.

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
Handbags / Accessories
One of my favorite ways to add together color is amongst handbags. Many a times people don't realize I am wearing a rather slowly outfit simply because my handbag is making all the noise. (e.g. here, here, here)

Last but non the to the lowest degree - lipsticks! My favorite brand upwards item. When all else fails, vesture a brilliant lip color. Surprising I am quite experimental amongst lip colors (hit play above) together with accept realized that a brilliant lip tin oft relieve the look. 

One affair which has ever been mentioned over the years of outfit blogging Having Fun With Colors
Do y'all vesture color? 

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