2016 Leap Go Means Decoded

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this year. You volition reveal a topic - Comfort (and that I similar crossing my legs spell posing!). Comfort has been a reoccurring theme on my blog. Something that I bring been talking most since the get-go of time. I believe, wearing clothing were "invented" to solve a purpose. Looking cute agency nada if your aspect is of hurting or constipation ('nuff said!).

I honey traveling. It is no secret. However, 1 enquiry I am oft asked is, "How produce y'all hold off fashionable spell traveling?". Firstly, I reply, "Thank you!" as well as secondly, it is because I stick to basics. No-frills spell traveling is my mantra. Unless y'all are going to a beach as well as all y'all are going to produce is chill, dine as well as wine. Take your fancy clothes, past times all means. If the move requires walking, as well as moving as well as jetting in-between airports thence proceed it simple. And y'all volition e'er hold off fashionable without compromising on comfort of course. 

P.S. I bring non deconstructed my style, inward all my years of blogging, every bit much every bit I bring inward this end yr or so. Now I run into everything from a stylist's point-of-view (since I turned one!).

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this yr 2016 Spring Travel Style Decoded

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this yr 2016 Spring Travel Style Decoded

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this yr 2016 Spring Travel Style Decoded

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this yr 2016 Spring Travel Style Decoded

Scroll downwards as well as run into my move sartorial choices from this yr 2016 Spring Travel Style Decoded

Do y'all concur amongst my mantra? What is your move style? 

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