How 1 Pack For Multiple Cities

Believe it or not, I dear packing. It accounts for 50% of the excitement I accept for traveling. Over the years, I accept created a conception which ensures I am ever prepared. (Although I accept realized I nether pack for myself. I am ever i or ii outfits curt for the trip!). I similar to pack inwards pouches, equally it helps me remain organized. Also, makes it easier to abide by things. One of my commutation tools inwards packing for longer duration is the vacuum bags (like this). I also behavior a few dust bags, for shoes, dingy laundry, etc. You tin checking out my packing listing here

Hit PLAY to abide by out how I pack when traveling to ii or to a greater extent than cities. 

P.S. This is how I had packed for my trip to Spain & Morocco final winter. 

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