Obsessed Amongst This Tunic

I wore this outfit on a Midweek in addition to and hence in i trial again on the Saturday of the same week. I cause got no qualms close repeating my outfit. And merely to hold out clear (you know inwards representative it is your commencement fourth dimension on the blog) my outfits are non "just" for the blog. 9/10 times they are what I wore inwards REAL life. Gone are the days when I used to wearing apparel upwardly for the blog. Ain't no trunk got fourth dimension for that. I hateful I produce wearing apparel upwardly (aka article of apparel clothes) inwards my daily life hence why non merely document that. Right?

Also, I bought this tunic some commencement calendar week of March in addition to inwards end 2 months I cause got already worn it for close 5 times or so. My minimalist lifestyle is dictating my shopping in addition to dressing upwardly habits. I am to a greater extent than inclined to purchase fewer things, but ameliorate things. Wear them to their inadequacy, hand them away in addition to purchased newer things (if involve be!). Last duo of years of minimizing my closet, has proportionally maximized my efficiency inwards dressing. 

On side note, this is what I wore on my sweat to the Clifton Inn (as seen hither 0.09). These pictures were taken there. 

I wore this outfit on a Midweek in addition to and hence in i trial again on the  Obsessed With This Tunic I wore this outfit on a Midweek in addition to and hence in i trial again on the  Obsessed With This Tunic I wore this outfit on a Midweek in addition to and hence in i trial again on the  Obsessed With This Tunic I wore this outfit on a Midweek in addition to and hence in i trial again on the  Obsessed With This Tunic
Tunic - Target // Similar
Jeans - J Brand // Similar
Blazer - Urban Outfitters // Similar
Shoes - Converse // Same

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