Online To Offline Friendships

 has been 1 of the close satisfying trips Online To Offline Friendships
This past times trip to London has been 1 of the close satisfying trips. I was able to attain everything I wanted to, run into everyone I wanted to, in addition to cheque out all the places I had on my list. It was a expert mix of revisiting the sometime in addition to known in addition to experiencing the novel in addition to unknown. 

One of the close memorable things from the trip was coming together Dvora. I accept known her (through blogging) for over vi years or so. For the finally distich of years I accept exclusively been inward acquit upon alongside her exclusively through Instagram but every bit presently every bit my trip was finalized I reached out to her. We planned to run into for brunch at Thomas' Cafe

Brunch at Thomas' Cafe

I accept met my fair portion of people through the web. It is e'er l percentage excitement in addition to l percentage hesitation, when coming together somebody from the Internet. You never actually know, y'know, who they mightiness plow out to be? But coming together Dvora was similar coming together an sometime friend. I felt I had known her for a long time. There were no awkward silences, non a minute of irresoluteness. Conversation simply flew smoothly in addition to at that spot was a genuine connection. This is precisely why I dear blogging in addition to transcend along to blog. I accept said this before, in addition to I repeat myself - Thanks to blogging, I accept institute my tribe! They all mightiness non live on 1 unmarried location but in addition to thence that's what makes my travels fifty-fifty to a greater extent than exciting. I instruct a run a jeopardy to run into (and make) friends no affair where I go. 

Thank yous for shooting me, Dvora! 

(Dvora is a famous lensman whose clients include Vogue, GQ, in addition to more.
 has been 1 of the close satisfying trips Online To Offline Friendships
Photography via Dvora 

Sweater - Lou & Grey // Similar
Scarf - Zara // Similar
Jeans - GAP // Same
Bag - Chanel // Similar
Gloves - Saks // Same

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