Life Choices

"Life choices" - I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times month. Mostly inwards reference to my personal in addition to professional person choices. They receive got been different, unconventional in addition to life-altering. Mostly past times the virtue of circumstances in addition to my brusk attending span.

Nonetheless, I am pretty darn happy alongside all my choices. While I am practicing the fine art of making "healthier" in addition to smart choices (food in addition to otherwise) merely over all I similar where the path has led me.

One argue why I am at peace alongside my choices is because I NEVER compare my life to anyone else's. My life is my own. I am hither due to 'which household unit of measurement I was born in, which solid soil I was born in, the personality I was born with, in addition to and thus what I did alongside all of those variables. No 2 people receive got the same starting point. Not fifty-fifty twins. So the inquiry of comparison in addition to resenting doesn't arise. As long every bit I am actively choosing increment inwards always minute in addition to learning from every mistake, I count that every bit a successful life choice.

I don't similar preaching thus I won't. All I would tell is at that topographic point is zero positive most envying anyone. Everyone has their ain path. Do what makes you lot happy. Everyday. Rest volition follow.

These fabulous pictures are taken past times my friend - Anita - at the Daunt Books Store inwards Marylebone, London. Even if you lot don't similar books, you lot must visit. 
 I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices  I receive got heard this phrase a few times inwards the past times calendar month Life Choices
Blouse - COS // Similar 
Jeans - Joe's Jeans // Similar
Shoes - Steve Madden // Similar
Scarf - Uniqlo// Similar
Necklace - Mango // Same
Jacket - Similar
Bag - Chanel // Similar


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