Books Ane Bring Read This Year

 I am borderline addicted to reading this summertime Books I Have Read This Year

This has been a adept reading year. I am having then much fun alongside books. I am borderline addicted to reading this summer. The best utilization is that I savour reading all genres. I convey no especial favorite. It simply depends on my mood. And straight off since I am capable of having dissimilar moods at dissimilar times of the day, for the outset fourth dimension inwards my whole life, I am reading iii books at i fourth dimension (who am I?). I convey never done that before. I was e'er a one-book-at-a-time-kinda-person.

 I convey started enjoying long commutes because that hateful I tin heed to my sound majority for that much longer. I am then grateful to my woman bring upwardly for instilling the habit of reading inwards me from childhood because today books are my best friends. Till I convey a majority inwards my pocketbook I tin never hold upwardly bored or lonely again. Sigh! 
Now plenty alongside my dramatics, in addition to moving on to the books I convey read + heard this yr inwards the sequence of when I read them, starting alongside Jan ...

1. The Golden Son - Shilpi Somaya Gowda

I actually enjoyed this book. The writer paints a painting which is both realist in addition to yet makes for an entertaining read. You root for Anil in addition to his friends. I could completely relate to his plight of non feeling at domicile both inwards Republic of Republic of India or America. For to a greater extent than spotter my vlog here

2. An Unsuitable Boy - Karan Johar

This is easily a passable read. Poorly written in addition to edited. For beingness a memoir it shares null that you lot already don't know barring a few pages. For to a greater extent than spotter my vlog here

This was a heart-warming read. The first, Paris for One, is the length of a novella spell the others are all curt stories. It would hold upwardly perfect to read on a trip, every bit it is piece of cake to pick upwardly in addition to lay downward betwixt the curt stories. This is entirely the minute majority I convey read of Jojo Moyes (first was Me Before You) in addition to I constitute it extremely relatable. Can't hold back to read her other books. 

4. What Alice Forgot - Liane Moriarty 

I was on a waitlist for this majority t my library for forever. It was never available. Speaks to it's popularity. Once I did larn my hands on it, I couldn't proceed it down. I enjoyed the story, the footstep of the majority in addition to the characters. It was humorous, uplifting in addition to an enjoyable alongside the correct residuum of heartache in addition to mystery.

5. Three Wishes - Liane Moriarty

One matter you lot powerfulness non know close me is that when I similar a author, I terminate upwardly reading all his/her introduce in addition to previous work. That is what I convey been doing with Liane Moriarty. This was her outset majority (written inwards 2005) in addition to yet the characters seemed good developed in addition to I could relate to all iii sisters in addition to had started to empathise how they intend in addition to behave. This had a similar agency to her other books, were a large world trial happens, in addition to the details are tardily revealed. The even is both funny in addition to heartwarming!

6. Khullam Khulla - Rishi Kapoor

Sigh! Another memoir from Hindi Movie actor. I was expecting large things from this book, every bit Rishi Kapoor is known to hold upwardly blunt in addition to conduct forward. While the majority is quite unapologetic about whatever happened inwards his career, his personal life or inwards the lives of people around him. However, in i trial to a greater extent than it is a poorly written in addition to edited book. And later reading these memoirs I am convinced that most people inwards the Hindi film manufacture in addition to self centered in addition to all-about-themselves. 

7. Essentialism - Greg McKeown

Have you lot ever constitute yourself stretched also thin? Do you lot simultaneously experience overworked in addition to underutilized? Are you lot oft busy but non productive? Do you lot experience similar your fourth dimension is constantly beingness hijacked past times other people’s agendas? If you lot answered yep to whatever of these, the agency out is the Way of the Essentialist.

This majority convinced me that I am on the correct path. Earlier this yr I changed the agency I meet in addition to practise things in addition to later reading this book, I am to a greater extent than than committed to stick to my novel principles. If you lot answered "yes" to whatever of the to a higher house questions, if could practise goodness from this book. The majority itself though, could convey been a lot shorter to hold upwardly to a greater extent than effective. 

I am non an Amy Schumer fan, but I convey e'er appreciate her honesty in addition to straight-forwardness. While this is definitely non a 'must-read' or anything path breaking but I enjoyed listening to her life anecdotes. I amend empathise why she is, the agency she is. If you lot are looking for a piece of cake sound book, for spell you lot are out on a walk or a driving, this would do. 

9. Year of Yes - Shonda Rhimes 

I had heard adept things close this majority from everyone who had read it, then I decided to give it a shot. I constitute the majority in addition to Shonda's perspective positive in addition to encouraging. She tries to exhibit a minor modify inwards behaviour in addition to trying novel things tin opened upwardly doors to novel possibilities in addition to opportunities. Her writing is funny in addition to gives nutrient for thought. She is real honest close herself in addition to the choices she makes inwards her life. Having said that spell I liked the message behind this book, I didn't quite savour the writing. It was repetitive in addition to I wanted to to larn to the signal already.

10. Modern Romance - Aziz Ansari 

I constitute it to hold upwardly a consummate waste materials of my time. All I gained from this majority was the relief that, "Thank God! I am non dating!" It certain sounds quite a lot of difficult run now. Other than that this seems similar an essay (rather a long essay) on the ups in addition to downs of dating inwards this decade.

11. My Not So Perfect Life - Sophie Kinsella

Hit play here, to hear my views. 

12. Palace of Illusions - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

This is the entirely majority I convey read twice. Voluntarily. Hit play here, to hear my views. 

13. The Rumor - Elin Hilderbrand

This is the majority I am read correct straight off in addition to I am on the final chapter. It is an piece of cake breezy summertime read. Nothing that would remain alongside you, but intriguing plenty for you lot to proceed going. I cannot hold back to checkout other books from this author. 

Another book, I am listening to spell driving (and or waiting). Will proceed you lot posted on what I think. 

15. First Comes Love - Emily Giffin

I convey loved most of Emily's work. I started reading her books dorsum inwards 2007 in addition to convey read them all ever since. I am iii chapters inwards in addition to then far then good. 


What is everyone reading? I would dearest to know! 

If you lot are on Goodreads, you lot tin follow me at that topographic point in addition to nosotros tin proceed upwardly alongside each other. I am next everyone who follows me dorsum because I am hungry to know what everyone read. 

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