Were You Lot Raised Inward A Religious Family?

One of my really immature together with loyal reader sent me an electronic mail afterward reading this post, which I wrote a twosome of months back. She asked me if I was raised inwards a religious family? I accept deliberated over together with over inwards my caput whether I should write almost it on the spider web log or not. But considering it has been on my heed for almost 2 months now, it is a clear indication that I ought to write it together with instruct it out of my system.

So, to respond her enquiry – Yes! I was raised inwards a religious family.  My grand parents were religious, traditional together with conservative. My grandmother was a niggling to a greater extent than forward-thinking inwards comparing to my grand virile someone parent though. All my relatives, aunts together with uncles, my parents, … everyone I accept ever known through my menage unit of measurement has been religious together with god abiding.

Like most children, I didn’t accept a choice. I was religious equally a by-product of beingness brought upwardly inwards a religious household. I prayed. I followed the rites together with rituals. I went to the temple every week. I did everything a ‘religious’ someone is supposed to do. Mostly because that’s what I was taught from the solar daytime I was born.

I stopped going to the temple every calendar week sometime inwards 2003. I stopped next the rites together with rituals sometime inwards 2008 together with I started believing inwards ‘nothing’ sometime around 2009. No drastic incident happened. No ane changed me. Or influenced me. I simply started thinking differently. I started thinking for myself. 

... and this is what I intend today: Greatest ability lies inside ourselves. Our encephalon is the best origin of energy. Whether nosotros plough it into positive or negative, it is completely upwardly to us. I believe inwards humanity. I believe inwards doing proficient together with behaving fair, non because at that topographic point is karma, or because God is watching me, but because it is the correct matter to do. I besides believe inwards standing upwardly for myself when incorrect is done to me. I believe inwards equality. I believe inwards treating others the means I wishing to move treated. I believe inwards having no regrets. I believe inwards difficult work. I believe inwards living life “Queen” size. I believe inwards beingness who I am.

So am I non religious anymore? I don’t know. I am secular though. I discovery peace when I am at a temple, or at a church. My favorites are gurudwara together with mosque, peculiarly because they are kept together with thus clean. Whoever said ‘cleanliness is side past times side to godliness’, knew what they were talking about. But I produce non believe that simply praying volition solve anything or quest God for things volition arrive happen. However, I produce non gauge anyone who believes so. Everyone has his or her faith. I select to pose my faith inwards myself. I believe my conscience volition e'er direct me to the correct path. 

Top - Part of this dress [12'] Similar
Skirt - DKNY [13'] Similar
Shoes - c/o Sway Chic [12'] Similar
Pendant - Gift from Richa [13'] Similar
Earrings - Gift from Mom [13'] Similar

On my lips - eternal (350) via COVERGIRL

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