30 24-Hour Interval Ab Challenge

Usually I schedule all fitness posts for Friday, only afterwards the discover of requests I received for this challenge update I idea waiting till Fri powerfulness last a flake likewise long. Plus I possess got some other fitness postal service already scheduled for the coming Friday! 
I heard near this challenge past times Eboni on Twitter together with jumped on the chance correct away. I was already doing 1 other challenge (more near it on Friday) together with since correct straightaway I am inwards super-fitness-motivation-mode I decided to possess got upwards 2 challenges simultaneously. I know I am crazy! 
But today I am solely going to speak near the Abs Challenge. I started the challenge on 1st June (because I possess got OCDs) together with finished it yesterday. As y'all tin see, the outset calendar week is a cakewalk. Personally I would tell it solely started getting challenging from Day 15.  However, this workout is completely doable together with tin last done along alongside your regular fitness routine. 
I would charge per unit of measurement it: 
Challenging – 3/5
Effectiveness – 4/5 
A few suggestions I tin make:  
  1. Drink AT LEAST 2 liters of H2O every day
  2. Limit your inwards possess got of processed foods together with aerated drinks
  3. Avoid refined sugar
  4. Eat smaller portions, near the size of your palm  
P.S. I moved unopen to the ‘Rest Days’ according to my lifestyle together with move schedule. I practise non intend it affected the over all result. 

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