Life, Anxiety In Addition To Beautiful Peonies

I've been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it's virtually fourth dimension I opened upwards up together with larn a lilliputian personal.  My life isn't all pretty pictures together with perfectly staged projects together with rooms.  I'm going to live completely honest together with allow you lot all inwards on a lilliputian secret.  I create out with anxiety, tension headaches together with migraines.   Like total on panic attacks together with migraines that consist of laying inwards a night room solely beingness able to opened upwards my eyes together with motility plenty to vomit inwards a close past times bucket.  Attractive, huh?

Just virtually anything from getting lost, making decisions, spending large amounts of coin or getting overwhelmed tin trigger an assail or migraine.   Sometimes it comes on quick together with sometimes it lingers for days or fifty-fifty weeks.  I tend to larn overwhelmed together with stressed out easily, which is a daily create out with work, taking tending of my solid unit of measurement together with keeping upwards with our home.  Lately, at that spot stimulate got been far to a greater extent than bad days than good, which makes it difficult to taste my kids together with proceed upwards on solar daytime to solar daytime life.  I experience similar I'm failing every bit a woman bring upwards together with wife.  My kids together with hubby deserve much to a greater extent than out of me than I tin give.  I'm tired, stimulate got chronic headaches, my dorsum together with cervix muscles are constantly tight together with I'm but apparently irritable.  Ask my husband, he'll say you.

I've tried prescription anxiety medications to assist alleviate the tension headaches, but weaned myself afterwards gaining nearly xx lbs.  I all the same stimulate got prescription medication for migraines, but stimulate got been trying to bargain with the stress on my own.   So far I experience similar I'm failing...miserably.

So, you lot tin imagine how freaked out I was when nosotros came habitation from a graduation political party Sabbatum afternoon to a flooded basement.  I completely lost it, similar total on freak out mode.

It has solely been v months since our last flood (FIVE MONTHS!!!) together with I but couldn't believe this was happening.  Our basement is in i trial once again a consummate mess together with our solid smells similar a musty pond.  Thank goodness nosotros hadn't had a conduct chances to supersede the carpet, which meant nosotros didn't stimulate got to bargain with ripping upwards together with dragging out soggy padding again.  Either way, it is all the same a major hurting inwards the butt.

Once the rug dries it volition larn set dorsum downwardly until I figure out what the heck I'm going to do.  I'm non certain if I desire to supersede the rug or larn a completely dissimilar road with tile or laminate.

On a brighter note, something that makes me incredibly happy with all the other stress inwards my life are my beautiful peonies.
ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies
Peonies were the solely bloom I had inwards my marriage together with I dear that they bloom approximately our anniversary every year.
ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies
If you lot follow me on Instagram or Facebook together with hence you lot know I stimulate got been stalking the buds inwards anticipation of them blooming.  They remind me hence much of my marriage solar daytime together with I but can't larn plenty of them.
ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies

ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies
I stimulate got been thoroughly enjoying them beingness displayed all over our solid these past times few weeks.  Thankfully, at to the lowest degree piece I am upstairs they drown out the musty scent of the moisture basement.

They brighten upwards my dining room...

ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies


together with living room.

ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies
The night pinkish flowers ever bloom earlier the lite pink, which truly plant out well.  I'm able to taste the darker ones for awhile together with hence in i trial they die, the lite pinkish are but offset to bloom. 

                           ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies

ve been blogging for almost 2 years together with I remember it Life, Anxiety together with Beautiful Peonies

I may stimulate got this calendar week off blogging to relieve my sanity, build clean the basement, grab upwards on slumber together with truly flexure the laundry that's been piling upwards inwards baskets.   I'll live dorsum shortly with a mudroom update that I've been waiting to consummate for months. 

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