How To Brand A Stainless Together With Woods Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect 2 tier organizer. 

I honey the thrill of a hunt as well as ever bring my oculus out for cheap items to update or purpose inwards futurity projects.  It's non uncommon for me to dig through thrift shop shelves or scour Hobby Lobby looking for random hardware, woods pieces, as well as other unique items to update or bring on mitt for when an consider strikes.  

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

On 1 of my latest Goodwill trips 2 stainless bowls struck an consider as well as I knew they would brand the perfect tiered tray paired alongside candle stick pieces I had bought a few months prior.

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- Two thrifted stainless bowls/trays
- 1 pack cap assortments (I used three of the larger caps)
- 1 pack candlestick pieces (I used 2 pieces)
- Wood knob or larger circular bead (my woods knob is from Hobby Lobby)
- Foam brush

**** Vintage Bingo cards tin plough over the sack move flora on Etsy*** 

I chose to brand a minor tiered organizer since I already had unfinished woods candle sticks on mitt as well as the thrifted bowls I flora were small.  If you're looking to brand a larger organizer yous could purpose quondam cookie or vintage baking tins as well as larger woods candle sticks.  The possibilities are endless. 
Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer
I similar mixing woods tones alongside metal, thus I opted to stain my woods pieces alongside special walnut woods stain.
Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Since my organizer was going to move small, I used gum to bring together the woods pieces together as well as to attach them to the stainless bowls. 
Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer
I started alongside glueing the minor woods beads to the bottom of the larger bowl thus glued the 2 larger woods candle sticks together as well as three of the large caps.
Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer
I attached the woods candle sticks to the larger bowl as well as the large caps to the smaller bowl.  When everything was dry out I glued the 2 pieces together.
Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer

This cute niggling stainless as well as woods tiered organizer is the perfect size for adding a niggling fashionable organization to your desk or office. 

Thrift shop stainless bowls as well as woods candle stick pieces come upwards together to brand a perfect  How to Make a Stainless as well as Wood Tiered Organizer


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