Trash To Treasure File Cabinet Accept 2 {Monthly Diy Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

Welcome dorsum to some other Monthly DIY Challenge!   I could non last to a greater extent than excited nearly this month's Trash to Treasure theme.   If yous create got been reading my weblog for whatever length of fourth dimension in addition to hence yous know turning trash into treasure is correct upwards my alley.

In illustration you're novel only about here, the instant Midweek of every calendar month my favorite bloggy friends in addition to I larn together in addition to portion a projection based on a item subject or material.   We've done all sorts of fun projects including woods slices, Dollar Store Crafts, plumbing pieces, doors in addition to right away my favorite of all, Trash to Treasure!

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

Last February, my boss was updating our purpose in addition to hired a couplet guys to haul away a bunch of former purpose article of furniture in addition to supplies.  I was on the call upwards spell most of the items were getting hauled to the dumpster, but happened to glance over when an former file cabinet passed past times my desk.  Unfortunately, the drawers had already been thrown inward the trash, but determined to relieve the cabinet I did what whatever normal mortal would do.  I set a smiling on my face, batted my eyes (okay, peradventure I didn't become that far) in addition to asked the prissy gentlemen if he would last hence variety in addition to describe the drawers out of the trash.   Totally normal, right?!?! 

The starting fourth dimension makeover I did on this guy included the add-on of white pigment and fun wallpaper.  Unfortunately, I was hence excited to larn started on this projection that I failed to accept a earlier motion ikon in addition to exclusively remembered AFTER I had started painting.  #bloggerfail

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

I loved how the wallpaper looked, but it was fourth dimension for some other update.

In club to plough this 2 drawer cabinet into an 8 drawer specimen cabinet I had to create the aspect of multiple drawers.   In my persuasion the best agency to accomplish this aspect is amongst balsa wood.   It's incredibly low-cal weight, slowly to job in addition to perfect for arts and crafts in addition to DIY projects, particularly if yous don't ain a saw.   I was able to cutting each piece easily amongst a razor blade in addition to hence shine the stone oil edges amongst sandpaper. 
 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}
After all my boards were cutting I gave them a quick coat of my favorite Jacobean stain.
 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}
While the stain was drying I spray painted a bunch of woods push caps that I planned on using for the front end of the drawers.
 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}
Once everything was dry, I applied a fair amount of woods gum to the planks in addition to hence glued them inward place.  
 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

I permit them dry out overnight in addition to hence it was fourth dimension to install my favorite part, the woods caps in addition to hardware.  I knew when planning this projection that I wanted to job my favorite previous project in addition to beloved their character in addition to affordability.  These item pulls come upwards inward a diversity of colors in addition to are a full bag at $0.60 a piece!

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

 Turn an ordinary file cabinet into a imitation specimen cabinet Trash to Treasure File Cabinet Take Two {Monthly DIY Challenge}

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