A Major Life Change...

I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post.

Just over 4 years ago, I followed my view in addition to started this petty spider web log of mine.  It has allowed me to portion my passion in addition to dearest for DIY in addition to decor in addition to has given me the creative outlet that my hateful solar daytime undertaking lacked.   I convey been fortunate to operate amongst about amazing brands in addition to exercise incredible friendships amongst about real talented bloggers.  Most importantly, it has given our menage unit of measurement fiscal liberty that I never inwards a 1000000 years expected. 

 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...

For the past times 2 years, I convey been working 32 hours a calendar week at my hateful solar daytime undertaking (I am a licensed insurance example for State Farm) in addition to thus working about other 3-4 hours a nighttime on the blog.  I operate every weekend creating, photographing, editing in addition to writing for the blog.  I dearest every infinitesimal in addition to facial expression of blogging, but working ii total fourth dimension jobs has been incredibly exhausting in addition to something had to give.
 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...
I convey been extremely blessed to survive able to build a total fourth dimension income from the spider web log (Crazy, I know!) in addition to decided later on 10+ years to "retire" from my hateful solar daytime undertaking to spider web log total time.   To say I am a petty frightened in addition to anxious is an understatement, but I know inwards my view this is the best determination for our family.

 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...
My concluding hateful solar daytime at my total fourth dimension undertaking volition survive Dec 22nd in addition to thus later on a brusk intermission (if I tin rest away from the blog, ha) I volition survive dorsum side past times side twelvemonth total time.   It hasn't truly hitting me that I volition survive a total fourth dimension blogger in addition to simply typing those words feels thus unreal.
 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...
Your back upward in addition to encouragement is the entirely argue I am able to follow my heart.  I can't give cheers yous all plenty for next along in addition to sharing inwards my dearest of thrifty decorating in addition to DIY.  Your comments, e-mails in addition to form words hateful thus much in addition to myself in addition to my menage unit of measurement can't give cheers yous enough.
 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...

I tin already tell 2018 is going to survive an amazing twelvemonth in addition to promise yous volition proceed to follow along in addition to savour the blog.
Thank you, give cheers you, THANK YOU!

 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...
 I am nevertheless inwards stupor in addition to a petty terrified that I am writing this post Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Major Life Change...

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