Colored Stripes

Thank you lot hence much for such a wonderful answer to the weblog makeover. I convey been staring at my blog-tab on my browser all week. Its all merely hence pretty. No? If you lot don't know what I am talking near as well as then the chances are that you lot follow the RSS feed or subscribe yesteryear email. Time to hop on to the weblog people. You wouldn't live on disappointed. 

Remember, how I was losing involvement inwards all-things-blogging merely few calendar week back? That's when I realized, I needed a alter as well as something fresh to motivate me to weblog again. The novel hold back has driven a lot of positive unloose energy into my blogging already. And all the credit goes to Sarah via LIVING GOLDIE for her fabulous-creative-work. You convey already met her on this weblog concluding year. She was hence patient through the whole process. I wanted to depart from my previous weblog template as well as wanted to infuse a picayune color as well as life into the blog. She sent me several drafts as well as themes as well as later going to-and-fro I truly ended upwards liking the very-first-draft that she had sent. Can you lot imagine how annoying it must convey been for her? Yet, she was hence wonderfully calm as well as accommodating to all my needs. Her inventiveness speaks for itself, but what I similar the post that its build clean as well as nevertheless attracts attention. 

If you lot are looking for a novel weblog design, or fifty-fifty if you lot require merely minor tweaks to brand your weblog hold back novel or a picayune to a greater extent than professional, you lot must larn far deport on with Sarah. Her rates are extremely competitive as well as the her travel is that of a thorough professional. 

Moving on to the outfit, this is what I wore yesterday to a dinner political party at Linda's. You've met her too on this weblog inwards 2011. Well, till yesterday I was a fan of her style, as well as directly I am inwards beloved alongside her home. It is similar 1 of those perfect-pinterest-homes which you lot wishing you lot were living in. 

Shirt - via Richa [13'] Place your order here 
Jeans - via Target [13'] 
Shoes - Dolce Vita [10']
Earrings - Crazy & Co. [13']
Ring - Crazy & Co. [12'] Similar

On my eyes - principal drama by EYESTUDIO via Maybelline
On my lips - eternal (350) via COVERGIRL
On my nails - leading lady c/o essie

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