

Numb. Sad. Angry. Disappointed. Ashamed. Just a few words which tin hold upward used to depict how I experience at the moment. Incredible India, where women are treated as 2nd degree citizens too are subjected to endless bias too humiliation. From  female feoticide, unequal educational opportunities, dowry, domestic violence, to rape - at that topographic point seems to hold upward no end. This is non the Republic of Republic of India anyone could hold upward proud of.

"Just because Republic of Republic of India achieved liberty at midnight does non hateful that women tin firm out later on dark," Andhra Pradesh Congress main said.
While our regime has completely failed us inwards providing a rubber too secure nation for women, our lodge has failed us equally. I am non a leader, or a philanthropist or a revolutionary but I ambit want to brand a difference, inwards whatever footling way that I can. I could hold upward the modify I want to come across too urge the people to a greater extent than or less me to ambit the same! 

In 2010, the World Economic Forum released its Global Gender Gap report, inwards which Republic of Republic of India ranked at 112 out of a full of 134 countries (Murti). The study measured the divergence inwards how men too women inwards each province had access to resources too opportunities. It took into consideration economics, education, political participation, wellness too survival. When countries are ranked according to economical participation too chore opportunities for women, Republic of Republic of India ranks at 128, inwards a higher identify merely vi other countries. (via)

Gender Equality - Our lodge breeds on male-child-preference. I personally know of at to the lowest degree five families where they possess got 3-4 daughters too thence a son. Simply to ship on the occupation solid unit of measurement name. Which advert is that? I neglect to understand. No ane practically remembers yous ane time yous are gone. It is your fake feel of self-importance that wants yous to believe that yous volition hold upward remembered one-generation-after-another. More probable than not, yous won't fifty-fifty hold upward missed. Unless yous are Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King. 

However, this demand to possess got a manly mortal heir feeds the Indian mentality to process women/girls badly, which personally I would tell is ofttimes borderline-derogatory even. Do non inquire your daughters to assist inwards household operate field the boy sits inwards front end of television. Do non tell your immature adult woman she cannot croak out past times sun-set field the man child is non dorsum dwelling occupation solid fifty-fifty at dawn. Do non halt your daughter's teaching to brand your boy a staff of life winner. All this automatically gives the man child a fake feel of superiority.  

"In many parts of India, women are distinctly seen as inferior sub-humans, who should remain confined at home, behind a veil, cook, ambit children, select attention of the in-laws too entertain their husbands. It becomes intolerable for men amongst such mindsets when immature women laid about to challenge such stereotypes past times stepping out too surpassing them inwards teaching too occupation too past times asserting their independence too fiscal freedom. Such women then, deserve to hold upward punished— too humiliated violently amongst rape, is the thinking. When to a greater extent than too to a greater extent than men think similarly too create upward one's take away heed to punish women, there’s the chance for gangrape too the planning too plotting begins." (via)


Objectifying Women - Women are desirable. Of course. We are beautiful creatures but women are non 'objects' of whatsoever kind. They possess got a correct to hold upward amongst whatsoever human being or not. She is the ONLY ane who get's to decide, irrespective of her class, creed or profession. Our civilisation conceives women to hold upward these demure, docile creatures too anyone who doesn't check that pecker is non 'cultured' enough? I personally recall to hold upward asked to acquit to a greater extent than similar a lady (whatever that means!). Answering back, making your indicate heard, dressing a 'certain' way is merely non acceptable fifty-fifty inwards 'modern' India. Don't justice the adult woman past times what she wears or how she speaks. Don't justice at all. Period.

Media & Movies - Media too movies ambit non assist inwards the affair either. Lyrics of a recent vocal "main to tanduri murgi hoon yaar ... gatkale saiyan alcohol se" (viaare a skillful representative of what I mean. Today I echo Reena's views on our ever-so-popular items numbers ("Sexualizing actresses too calling "item numbers" harmless fun, is NOT harmless. It's harmful." ) and am ashamed that I always compliemnted or enjoyed them.  

Sex Education - We demand to put an terminate to our holier-than-thou-attitude ("No Sex please. We are Indians!") and stop making the give-and-take 'SEX' such a large taboo inwards our society. How many of us tin croak too openly verbalize or inquire questions/concerns amongst our parents or teachers? I uncertainty many. That's how nosotros possess got procreated generation-after-generation for crying out loud. What's the large deal? Instead, let's railroad train our children too possess got an opened upward conversation close it. 

Upbringing - Lastly, could nosotros delight process our sons too daughters alike? Teach our sons to abide by women too process everyone as regardless of their caste or gender. And PLEASE learn your immature adult woman to hold upward go-getters, never underestimate themselves too in all likelihood enroll them inwards a self-protection class. At to the lowest degree till the men inwards our province larn to acquit themselves. 

RIP Anonymous! 

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