Tourist Or Traveler?

s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? 

We are continuing alongside our Panama hangover here. What's most surprising is that it is half dozen months later. N.B. Below is the Travel Log from our long weekend there. If you lot create non subscribe to my YouTube channel may go view doing too then every bit I create non portion all my video on the blog. Just 'coz! 

Sometimes you lot see a house alongside zip expectations too pick out to become alongside the flow. Panama was ane such goal for us. We arrived without whatever question or prior bookings (except for the hotel). The agenda was neither to R&R (like nosotros did inwards Dominican Republic) or to explore extensively (like Iceland!). The goal was to acquire away from our routine life too create something different. While I volition go sharing what nosotros did at that spot too what you lot MUST non immature adult woman when you lot go, inwards the coming posts, today is to a greater extent than close tourist vs traveler. 

One phrase I listen the most inwards travel-blogosphere too social media lately is close how ane must go a 'traveler instead of a tourist' too I honor that a fleck absurd. Most people bring jobs. Most people see places for experiences. Some people mightiness savor history (like myself) too others mightiness bring involvement inwards architecture. All of those things coincide alongside existence a tourist every bit you lot honor all at tourist locations per say.

Now a traveler is defined every bit "a somebody who travels or has traveled inwards distant places or unusual lands." The argue for the travels is irrelevant to the definition. I create non know anyone who travels for the sake of roofing a distance too collecting miles. There is e'er a goal spell traveling, whether it is tourism, work, photography or experience. So when someone says they are a traveler, all they are maxim they are on a constant move, which is fine if that is their affair inwards life, simply to hold off everyone else to go on a constant movement besides would go quite unrealistic. Right? (Am I making feel here?)

I am definitely a tourist. I similar learning close the place's history, the storey behind it's existence too it became the house it is today. Then I similar to become ahead too explore things which mightiness non go on the 'must run across list' too brand pit stops along the agency where ever my ticker desires. I create non experience the require to consume at the most sought after restaurants or store at their famous stores. I savor going on my ain pace. 


And on that note, I shall come upwards dorsum to Panama. On our final day, nosotros drove to a greater extent than or less the urban substance too constitute this cute piddling Beer Garden inwards the nook of street too decided to brand it our afternoon hangout. For some argue nosotros were the exclusively 2 people at that spot that afternoon. The hostess was exceptionally hospitable too kind. While I create non drinkable beer I certain savor the vibe most of them have. We left the house thoroughly relaxed exclusively to supply ane time again at nighttime when it was packed. The fairy lights where on which exclusively added to the charm of the place. 

If you lot are inwards Panama too are looking for a house to chill similar a local, nosotros would HIGHLY recommend White Rabbit Biergarten.
s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler? s most surprising is that it is half dozen months afterward Tourist OR Traveler?
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