Equality Of The Sexes

I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups. I for ane am role of ane group, from each stage of my life, for example: Maternal family, Paternal family, in-laws, schoolhouse friends, college friends, etc. So a mutual do inwards all these groups is to part forwards, jokes too quotes. Initially it annoyed me, precisely straightaway I conduct keep learnt to ignore it too exclusively usage the groups for sending too receiving birthday too anniversaries wishes.

So ane random solar daytime I received a frontward on ane of these groups, which read: "Our generation is becoming hence busy trying to essay that women tin produce what men tin produce that women are losing their uniqueness. Women weren't created to produce everything a homo tin do. Women were created to produce everything a homo can't do.

Now I am non mortal who reacts to anything shared on social media (or WhatsApp). I respond, non react, exclusively when things are direct addressed to me. However, I couldn't tending myself precisely response to this forward. 

Me: I don't mean value women are trying to produce what men tin do. Women are trying to produce whatever their pump desires too are trying to driblet dead their correct (back) to brand the conclusion for what they tin too cannot do. 

Cousin: You are correct Tanvi precisely the departure is minimizing too hence our unique ness to roughly extent. Actually nosotros are at a higher platform 

Me: I believe that both men too women are unique too both conduct keep our ain gifts. But since women haven't been given an chance produce to close of the things they are exploring them all. Eventually nosotros volition stick amongst what nosotros produce the best precisely showtime nosotros require to attempt it all. 

After writing that I started thinking. Do I actually believe men too women are every bit gifted? Sure I do. If I started thinking 'women are better', too hence nosotros are non moving frontward inwards the globe of feminism. I never liked hearing men are meliorate than women at anything too I don't want to produce that disservice to the other sexual practice yesteryear repeating the same mistake. 

But produce I actually mean value all the men inwards my life are my equal? Probably not. But neither are all women my equal either. Some are better, roughly are equal too roughly are dissimilar (see, I am learning diplomacy).

Are the 2 sexes equal inwards all their strengths too weaknesses? No. But they produce deserve an equal chance to attempt everything too an equal vantage for a operate good done. And that's the holler for of feminism (in my books). 

I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes
I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes
I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes I am certain everyone who is on WhatsApp is role of several groups Equality of the Sexes 
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