Blogging Is Ane Dimensional

Up until 2013 I would possess got never described myself every bit 'funny' or fifty-fifty someone amongst a 'sense of humor'. In my head, I possess got e'er been a badass bitch. I e'er idea of myself every bit someone who is tough, in addition to does non joke, in addition to is rather a serious person. Although people some me frequently told me to terminal calling myself a 'bitch' but I never truly listened to them. Why? Because I never truly heed to anyone. It only goes against my substitution being. I was born to rebel. 

It was non until my terminal chore that I realized I powerfulness truly survive sorta-funny (may be!). My previous work environment had a real casual vibe, where my boss in addition to colleagues (mostly women) would possess got frequent breaks in addition to beak nigh stuff. Random materials - nigh politics, men, culture, food, fitness - what possess got you! Whenever I spoke out my opinions, my boss would survive inwards splits amongst laughter. At get-go I didn't larn why she was laughing because I was only sharing my honest thoughts, but in addition to hence I started to expose a designing amongst everyone I chatted amongst thereafter. They all would survive neat upward in addition to saying, "you are hence funny!" in addition to I would survive thinking, "say what now?!". Later I realized, they did non hateful 'ha ha' funny ... instead someone who says things the agency it is but amongst fervency, which makes people laugh. Mind you, they are non laughing because it is spectacularly hilarious or comedic but because they couldn't believe that I truly only said that! Politically-incorrect-sarcastic-humor, if you lot will? 

This novel insight nigh myself made me realize what I had non understood for a while. You see, I e'er wondered why people didn't larn what I was maxim sometimes on the blog. I e'er seek out in addition to leave of absence on my writing unproblematic in addition to straight forward. So the intermission inwards communication e'er amused me. But then, only similar that, thank you lot to my ex-boss, I got it! 

The weblog is pretty i dimensional in addition to my sarcastic-dry-humor required 4 dimensions. So my novel hypothesis nigh myself in addition to my writing is that it is meliorate if I write personal anecdotes which are inwards get-go soul in addition to written purely to part in addition to non to entice a conversation or write nigh practical in addition to right away forwards things (like how to practice this that in addition to the other / informative posts). However, I should non sweat to survive sarcastic or funny inwards my posts. Most of my readers 'perceive' me every bit someone who is serious (I am not) in addition to pensive (I am) in addition to unfortunately I am unsuccessful every bit expressing sense of humor in addition to lightheartedness through my writing. I guess, the request of this postal service is nothing, except if you lot wanna laugh, you lot volition only possess got to run into me inwards person.

This outfit was shot only yesterday, i of my many unproblematic Sunday looks.  
 I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional  I would possess got never described myself every bit  Blogging Is One Dimensional
Location - City Center DC

Dress - eri + ali via Anthropologie // Same
Top - Deletta via Anthropologie // Same
Bag - Prada // Same
Sunglasses - Ray Ban // Same
Shoes - Canvas // Similar


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