Long Fourth Dimension Agone ...

... it was my birthday! 

We all know that I convey been over birthdays for a while. Hence, I decided to NOT brand a big bargain nearly it AT ALL this year. I deactivated the birthday notification on Facebook. I didn't postal service nearly it on the weblog or whatever other social media platform similar previous years (2011, 2012). My logic was (is) that, wishes hateful something when they come upward naturally, non when yous genuinely convey to enquire for them yourself. In the concluding brace of years, I convey done precisely that -> Since Facebook & Blog came inwards to my life, declaring my birthday to the globe together with and then beingness happy nearly all the birthday wishes I received, must convey been the most dumbest thing I convey e'er done (in my adult life). It used to experience exceptional when friends, cousins together with identify unit of measurement from all some the globe called together with sent cards because they remembered it all past times themselves, without whatever hint/nudge from me. What's therefore exceptional inwards physically filling your ain birthday inwards people's 'My Birthday Calendar App' therefore that they tin together with then want yous on your birthday. Do yous encounter the irony here? ... May survive I am the exclusively one, but together with then yous already know how I similar beingness the exclusively one ... ;)

... approximate what, this ended upward beingness the most exceptional birthday ever, since 2006. I had joined Facebook inwards Dec 2006. I received the most thoughtful presents from my family, my hubby got me a delicious cake, my blood brother wrote me a LONG birthday missive of the alphabet for the rattling source time, which I incidentally received ON my nascency engagement itself (and I am non ashamed to country I bawled similar crazy afterwards reading it!) together with everyone who matters, remembered to want me, without whatever attention from me! ... together with and then nosotros ended the flush at ane of my favorite restaurant. It doesn't instruct improve than that, does it? Not for me.

So why am I telling everyone nearly my birthday now? Well, I am non genuinely telling, I am only documenting my exceptional twenty-four hours on my blog. For archival purposes. Besides, its likewise belatedly to want me now. I am quite for certain at that spot is an death engagement on belated birthday wishes! :P 

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