60 Ways To Brand Your Spousal Human Relationship Rock

I constitute this listing on someone's Facebook Page together with started reading it for entertainment. And hence a low-cal bulb went on inward my caput together with I decided to last a fiddling snarky together with run across how I directly reacted to each of these awesome (?) tips! 

1. Always honey each other, fifty-fifty when it's difficult to 

Bull shit. I would tell ever honour each other fifty-fifty when its difficult to love

2. Never move to bed angry.
Again, bull shit! Just move to bed. Sleep solves everything. 

3. Go on regular engagement nights
This I agree. Wholeheartedly! 

4. Hide notes inward undercover places
Do that. But allow it non last a chip 'too' undercover house :P

5. Go to bed at the same time
O! doc Fab is gonna honey this one. He supports this 100 %. I believe slumber whenever yous are sleepy!

6. Listen to music together-share ear-buds
Its non that romantic. Rather quite uncomfortable. Just larn your ain iPod & headset. 

7. Buy him gifts he volition love
Yeah! Can't fence amongst that much. Can I? 

8. Revitalize the romance amongst intimate dates
Didn't nosotros already encompass that inward #3? 

9. Wear shirts that tell the world yous honey your spouse
Huh? Let's NOT tell the world anything. Keep your honey betwixt yourself.  

10. Praise your husband to other people
Sure. If its near something special. Else its only nauseating. 

11. Read a union devotional
What on the world is that?!?!

12. Sleep inward his t-shirts
I'd get got to give inward to this one. They are rather comfortable. 

13. Renew your vows privately amongst whispers together with memories
Yes! Privately beingness the most of import part. 

14. Renew them publicly amongst cake together with bubbly
Yes! But non for your monthly anniversaries. Only when yous cross the 25 yr threshold. 

15. Go away together at to the lowest degree 1 time a yr
I'd tell to a greater extent than than 1 time a year. 

For Women Mostly
O.K. then! ;)

16. Hang pictures of the 2 of yous around your house
Alright, but I don't run across how it would brand my union rock?

17. Make his favorite dessert
Sure. Why not. If yous are inward the mood of baking!

18. Make sexual activity a priority
Erm! Nothing sarcastic to tell on this topic. 

19. Spend fourth dimension apart occasionally

20. Learn to relish something he loves
Yes. That is a adept advice. 

21. Surprise each other
Depends. But I would get got to agree. 

22. Meet him at the door
Always! (of course of teaching yous get got to last abode kickoff to do that!)

23. Text each other from across the room
Can last cute! But non when yous are sitting amongst other people. That's rude. 

24. Set reminders on your outcry to recall him/her throughout the week
Huh? You hateful yous could genuinely forget yous are married? Ever?

25. Call him correct at nowadays together with tell him yous appreciate him
I wouldn't do that. But wait. Let me try. He doesn't know near this post ... He replied, "Why?"

For Men Mostly

26. Leave run on fourth dimension together with come upward abode early

Wouldn't he get got to larn out run early on to come upward abode early?

27. Engage every twenty-four hr menses inward meaningful conversation
What if yous are a goofy-couple? Do yous yet 'have' to do that?

28. Compliment each other
Sure. Only when yous hateful it. 

29. Take 1 twenty-four hr menses a calendar month to brand your husband your amount focus
Just ONE day?

30. Argue fair: avoid these words “you always” together with “you never”
Practice makes us perfect. And yes, agreed!

31. Kiss every day

32. Find tangible ways to serve your mate without complaining
Serve?!?!?1 ... What now?

33. Forgive quickly
He does. I can't!

34. Be honest.
Of course!

35. Get on the same page: excogitation your budget together

36. Look your best every bit oft every bit yous can
No arguments. Or complaints there!

37. Guard your marriage
Kripya apne saaman ki khudh suraksha karein! ;)

38. Laugh together
Agreed, again!

39. When yous are together-BE TOGETHER (take a intermission from phones, technology, etc)
Hell-to-the-Yes! Again!

40. Tell her she’s pretty, specially when she’s non feeling it
That would last the sort affair to do!

#1 - #15 were for ...?!?!?

41. Make each other breakfast inward bed
Please don't! At least, I similar having breakfast solely subsequently brushing my teeth together with when its nicely spread on the table. 

42. Do each other's chores 
If yous hateful assistance each other out. Yes!

44. Get a couple’s massage or host your ain privately
Always fun!

44. Dance together to soft music 
Dance. To anything. Any music yous like. 

45. Exercise together - hikes, bike riding, etc
Whenever fourth dimension permits do it together. But exercise, regardless. 

46. Choose non to last annoyed past times an irritating behavior/disappointment from your spouse
We tin 'choose' all nosotros want, but it ain't gonna happen! :P

47. Thank your husband oft fifty-fifty for the to the lowest degree argue or gesture
That's right. Its also adept manners. 

48. Lay inward bed together together with stare into each other eyes, without talking
You are kidding right? I'd rather larn to me long to-do-list which I never finish

49. Learn something novel together-take an fine art class, cooking lessons, etc
Its fun to do activities together. 

50. Leave a sweetness comment on the Facebook wall
For the honey of God, DON'T! Once inward a piece (read: max. twice a year), move for it. Anything more: Please Stop!

51. Support each other’s goals
Damn right!

52. Bring her flowers/gifts (even when she says they are also expensive)
In my case, my hubby knows I am non a big fan of flowers. They die. And I prefer to purchase my ain gifts. 

53. Wear something your husband loves
Sure. If yous experience adept inward it every bit well. 

54. Share slice of furniture - sit down inward his lap
Just brand certain yous weight less than him!

55. Fight for your marriage
... amongst whom?

56. Make a betoken to consume dinner together most days of the week.
We prefer to consume breakfast together with desserts together. 

57. Never allow your husband experience similar they come upward minute house to your career or whatsoever other thing.
Hopefully both of yous would last mature plenty to realize that on dissimilar days, everyone has dissimilar priorities. 

58. Talk near your dreams together with aspirations. Be supportive of each other together with dream big together!
Shut the F'Up! Be yourself together with verbalize whatever the heck yous desire to. 

59. Maintain a united front end every bit your motto: Meaning- “Me together with yous against the world."
... together with what if the world is non against us? :P

60. Speak good of your spouse.
How near don't speak sick of your spouse, or anyone else. Period?

Personally, I think this listing mightiness last the argue why my union becomes rocky, instead of rocking. But hence that's only me. I am weird ... Should nosotros motion on to the outfit then?

Cardigan - GAP [12']
Tee - GAP [11']
Trousers - GAP [12']
Shoes - Nine West via TJ Maxx [11']
Necklace - c/o Shop Jami [13']
Ring - Crazy & Co. [12']

On my eyes - Hashmi Kajal 
On my lips - Cardinal Plume (178) via L'Oréal


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